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Black Curtain Factions


SOC-14 1K
If you read my first post in the "3I's Secret Projects/ JumpStart/Beedling Caches/ Etc" topic I mentioned Black Curtain factions. While here are my thoughts. Please bear with me as I sometimes find outline helps in presenting ideas.

  • The general consensus is the Black Curtain is a region that is in complete control by Vampire fleets and Virii hardware.</font>
  • The BC is not as unified as some may think. Factions of fleets and Virii exists. Some are based on version, others are the merging of several strains into one, or several versions that banded together.</font>
  • There is one Imperial strain, based from Capital, that runs the empire.</font>
  • The IV has the largest fleet and hardware than any other faction.</font>
  • The faction have full jurisdiction, baring Imperial Edicts, over the worlds and systems they control.</font>
  • The factions do pay tribute to the IV. This can be in any form.</font>
  • The factions are forbidden from attacking one and another. For the most part this is true.</font>
  • The nonaggression pact does not imply out in the Wilds. Squadrons from different factions are known attack each other.</font>
  • So ships and squadrons will go rogue from a virus "glitch" evolvement or contact with another strain.</font>
  • Renegade ships/squadrons will either become an independent faction or leave BC to raid and/or establish a new power base.</font>
Just some ideas that came to mind. I know that MJD has plans, but...
What's your thoughts?
Plausible. Well thought out. These are my first two impressions. We also have the Strains that capture ships etc, and shove them back towards Core too..(More converts to the Belief of the Priest/Evangelical Doomslayer Strains (Pro Lucan).
It might be a Black Curtain because the "event horizon" consists of a layer of dark chocolate, followed by a semi-permeable layer of milk chocolate (possibly viscuous caramel) with a nut (Lucan) at the center.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Plausible. Well thought out. These are my first two impressions. We also have the Strains that capture ships etc, and shove them back towards Core too..(More converts to the Belief of the Priest/Evangelical Doomslayer Strains (Pro Lucan).
That's one of the reasons I figure the various factions will "go viking" into the Wilds. Besides geting more ships and hardware as converts, they are stockpiling equipment and replacement parts as the Black Curtain's industrial centers are still not fully repaired.
Originally posted by Arsulon:
It might be a Black Curtain because the "event horizon" consists of a layer of dark chocolate, followed by a semi-permeable layer of milk chocolate (possibly viscuous caramel) with a nut (Lucan) at the center.
No No No Good idea, but not quite right.

It's more like a double dipped Boston Cream

Homer: hmmmm. Parsecs wide Doughnut AAhhgh!<drool> :cool: