So yes, Book 9: Pirates is out there for Classic Traveller fans. Note that I did pull in some elements from Traveller5 where it made sense (Streamlined bracket., Grapple pair, Officer's suite) but most of the book naturally follows classic patterns.
If I were to add one more thing to Classic Traveller, it would be more cramped bridges possible with Book 2 -- which I considered with the pirate ships, but frankly that spaciousness is actually a benefit for rag-tag crews, so...
I'll also note that the starships have more space when designed with T5 -- but that's mainly because fuel usage in ACS mirrors fuel usage in High Guard. In other respects, ACS follows and supplements Book 2. I campaigned for Book 2 Jump and Maneuver, but High Guard fuel use, for Mongoose v2 as well.
If I were to add one more thing to Classic Traveller, it would be more cramped bridges possible with Book 2 -- which I considered with the pirate ships, but frankly that spaciousness is actually a benefit for rag-tag crews, so...
I'll also note that the starships have more space when designed with T5 -- but that's mainly because fuel usage in ACS mirrors fuel usage in High Guard. In other respects, ACS follows and supplements Book 2. I campaigned for Book 2 Jump and Maneuver, but High Guard fuel use, for Mongoose v2 as well.
Ruleset | Drive Design / Tables | Fuel Usage |
Book 2 | Book 2 | Mn x (1000 / 100) tons |
High Guard | High Guard | Mn x (Hull_Volume / 100) tons |
Mongoose v2 | Book 2 Plus (except for power plants) | Mn x (Hull_Volume / 100) tons. (= High Guard) |
T5 ACS | Book 2 Plus | Mn x (Hull_Volume / 100) tons. (= High Guard) |
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