Book 7 appears to only slightly modify Book 2-- ie, it just makes minor changes to the freight table's modifiers and replaces the speculative trade rules.
When a trader arrives at a world, he can check to see what *frieght* is available by rolling on the cargoes table on page 39 of Book 7:
"The referee should determine all worlds accessible to the starship (depending on jump number), and roll for each such world on the cargo table. He should roll to determine the number of major, minor, and incidental cargos available on the world of origin; modifiers take into account the world of destination. After rolling for the number of cargos, roll one die for each cargo to determine i t s size. Multiply the die roll for major cargos by 10, minor cargos by 5, and incidental cargos by 1 to determine the number of tons in each." Book 2, p 8.
Once he's declared a destination, he can take on passengers by rolling for them on the passengers table on page 39 of book 7:
"After a starship has accepted cargo for a specific destination, passengers will present themselves for transport to that destination. The passenger table is used to determine the number of passengers desiring passage to the announced world based on the origin world's population and on the destination world's population and travel zone status." Book 2, p 9.
The tables for freight and passengers are identical in Books 2 and 7-- Book 7 just has a slightly lower penalty for low population when picking up cargo... and also gives a bonus for liason for minor cargoes.
Once you've loaded up on freight and passengers, you can presumably fill your holds with as much generic goods as you can carry. There don't appear to be any limits on this. Quantity was limited by item type on the old Book 2 speculative trade rules, but there are no limits in Book 7. In the example to illuastrate the rules, it just says, "Being in a speculative mood, he arranges for the purchase of 10 tons of the goods and pays Cr37,OOO for the lot." (Book 7, p 41.)
Is this how you guys read the rules on trade?
When a trader arrives at a world, he can check to see what *frieght* is available by rolling on the cargoes table on page 39 of Book 7:
"The referee should determine all worlds accessible to the starship (depending on jump number), and roll for each such world on the cargo table. He should roll to determine the number of major, minor, and incidental cargos available on the world of origin; modifiers take into account the world of destination. After rolling for the number of cargos, roll one die for each cargo to determine i t s size. Multiply the die roll for major cargos by 10, minor cargos by 5, and incidental cargos by 1 to determine the number of tons in each." Book 2, p 8.
Once he's declared a destination, he can take on passengers by rolling for them on the passengers table on page 39 of book 7:
"After a starship has accepted cargo for a specific destination, passengers will present themselves for transport to that destination. The passenger table is used to determine the number of passengers desiring passage to the announced world based on the origin world's population and on the destination world's population and travel zone status." Book 2, p 9.
The tables for freight and passengers are identical in Books 2 and 7-- Book 7 just has a slightly lower penalty for low population when picking up cargo... and also gives a bonus for liason for minor cargoes.
Once you've loaded up on freight and passengers, you can presumably fill your holds with as much generic goods as you can carry. There don't appear to be any limits on this. Quantity was limited by item type on the old Book 2 speculative trade rules, but there are no limits in Book 7. In the example to illuastrate the rules, it just says, "Being in a speculative mood, he arranges for the purchase of 10 tons of the goods and pays Cr37,OOO for the lot." (Book 7, p 41.)
Is this how you guys read the rules on trade?
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