MgT2E's Traveller Companion has a section on "Additional Characteristics" such as Sanity (STY), Wealth (WLT), Luck (LCK), Morale (MRL) and how they are used. Wealth is used as a substitution for purchases and keeping tracking Credits, for example. Nothing on Charisma, but the intro in the section says nothing IYTU campaign has to have only 6 characteristics. The intro even says PSI is considered an optional "7th Characteristic".
There is also an expansion on SOC. SOC as described has NOTHING to do Charisma, sorry to say. However there is no reason not to create your own 7th Characteristic or make it part of SOC in YTU.
Influence (INF) and Psionic Strength (PSI) were used as the 7th and 8th characteristic in MgTE's Traveller Judge Dredd books. Strontium Dog had Sorcery (SOR) even.
Over the decades I have run Traveller I have added:
Morals: How close you try to fit into the Morals of the society in which you were raised...
.....IMTU, I also determine what your parents did for, that determines where you were raised with regard to class
.....And that is also part and parcel of determining how moral those around you might be.
Self Loyalty: This works with "Morals" above, and indicates how close you character personally holds themself to the morals they were raised in
Example: Joe the engineer was raised in a very giving, caring society(Fairly high Morals score) but still ended up interested in getting more for
......himself and the hell with others. So, he'd have a "Very" high Self-Loyalty score
Charisma: Is just what it means. You are persuasive, convincing, know how to be and make your words attractive to others.....Like "Leader" skill, but less technical and more social.
Perception: That innate ability to hear that very faint "click" from down the hall and perceive it as a key tumbler turning where others would hear it and assume it's just some random noise...or not here it at all
Morale: Entirely different from "Morals" above, this is a composite of a base 1D6 roll and +mods for all combat Service Ribbons and decorations the character has earned. It has multiple uses. The top one is a counter against every player's desire to be the TriVid hero.
In situations which have "gotten bad" or even worse....I, as the GM roll against this and warn the player, "This is really getting bad and
your character would not be ignoring that" when they pretend their spacer with a body pistol can take on all those armored guys with
Luck: Something I added based on my own beliefs
When the character is created, you roll a D20 - that is their luck - Period
Should they attempt something and fail (ONLY! It does not work with rolls made by others or the consequences of those rolls)
If they fail a roll, they can roll 2D6 to get under (Not Equal To) their luck
If they roll under their "current luck", they get to re-roll the attempt they failed AND 3 points are removed from their luck(recovered 1/24 hr
period in which they have not appealed to luck again)
They can only appeal a failed roll once per roll.
If they continue to appeal to luck, their "current" luck will drop to levels they can't roll under.