So I grepped out the publishers and page references out of Don's Timeline. It wasn't a perfect job, but it's good enough for analysis.
He has around 300 sources documented.
And I agree with Mike, and this is why.
Casual one offs meant to color some corner of an adventure becomes sacrosanct.
Me in my Ivory Tower would decree if there were to be a reboot, then the mechanics of the Universe would be Settled first, the rules updated to reflect those mechanics, then the NeoImperium built with those mechanics as foundation.
Simply, I want the physics settled. I want rules that reflect those physics as practically as possible, and I want the setting built up on that foundation.
That means I want Jump explained. M-Drive explained. Gravitics explained. Black globes, psionics, fusion power, etc. explained.
We've had these mechanisms for 40 years now. "They" (the inhabitants of the Imperium) have had them for over a thousand years. So let's settle these things, and build a universe around them. Can there still be wonders in such a universe? Of course. But you don't build a civilization on "wonders", not one the size of the Imperium.
It's one thing for a tribe in animal skins that happens to be worshipping a long-running, abandoned, Fusion generator that happens to be next to a lake for fuel and provides a continuous source of warmth without any clue as to how it works.
It's quite another to raise a galaxy wide empire based on such technologies.
If you want to reset the story, then reset the magic upon which the stories rely and work them out so future stories can work with them.
Founding principles.
Yes, it's my gear headed grognardness that barks about this stuff, but it's also the stuff that spews legions of threads, everywhere in the community.
So if they want to refresh it, start with the basics. And go from there. Because we live in a physical universe. it's not magic, it's technology, and someone knows how it works.