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Canon Subject 2: The Frontier Wars


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I'm gathering canon sources concerning the Fifth Frontier War up to December 31, 1995. The date is relatively arbitrary but intended to cover published stuff up to but not including T4. I assume most material falls in the CT years; extending that through MT and TNE sweeps up any incidental stuff that may have cropped up.

I consider these to be main sources:

  • Fifth Frontier War (boardgame) (pp5-7 TNAS entries)
  • TNAS bulletins from 1107 to 1110 (or Don's Traveller Timeline)
  • JTAS article Soft Bunk (or, what to do when the Zhodani attack) BOJTAS #3, p44.
  • AD03: Twilight's Peak (pp44, 46-49, 52: Second, Third, Fourth Frontier Wars; pp11, 13, 56-57: Fifth Frontier War.)
  • AD07: Broadsword (the whole steenking thing)
  • Spinward Marches Campaign
  • Library Data (e.g. A-M, N-Z or just Imperial Encyclopedia)
  • CT:AM8 (Darrian) page 13 for their vision and influence on them
  • MT:Rebellion Sourcebook page 66 (zhodani) on the reasons for the Frontier Wars (all of them)

I consider these to be less important sources:

  • Mercenary Ticket IV from 76 Patrons (p42, Third Frontier War)
  • The Traveller Adventure (pp14-15, 120, 145, the 1st-4th Frontier Wars, pp16, 21, 69, 77, Fifth Frontier War)
  • HIWG text (The Imperial Navy, Warships, Jumpspace movement, Insystem communications, sensor ops)
  • Fighting Ships (p40, First Frontier War; p15, Third Frontier War; pp5, 9, Fourth Frontier War; Imperial Bases; The Imperial Fleet)
  • AD05 AHL (pp3, 9-11, Fourth Frontier War)
  • AD01 Kinunir (pp38, 39, 41: Fourth Frontier War)
  • AD02 RsG (pp1, 7, 43: Third & Fourth Frontier Wars)
  • AD04 Leviathan (pp5, 9, 13, 39, 40: Fourth Frontier War; pp1, 10, 12, 15, 42: Fifth Frontier War)
  • AD06 Zhodane (pp7, 10, 11, 15, 31, 36-39, Fifth Frontier War; p41, 44, 46, 1st-4th Frontier Wars).
  • LBB6 Scouts (p6, External Mapping Branch, p10-11, war missions)
  • JTAS article A Dagger at Efate (BOJTAS #2 p24-25)
  • DA03 Argon Gambit (p22, First Frontier War; p23, Third Frontier War)
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In particular, directly applicable material:

First Frontier War
  • AD06 Zhodane (pp41, 44, 46, 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • DA03 Argon Gambit (p22, First Frontier War; p23, Third Frontier War)
  • The Traveller Adventure (pp14-15, 120, 145, the 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • Library Data A-M (pp10, 20-21, 38, 45)
  • Library Data N-Z (pp6, 12, 23, 33, 40)

Second Frontier War
  • AD03 Twilight's Peak (pp44, 46-49, 52: Second, Third, Fourth Frontier Wars)
  • AD06 Zhodane (pp41, 44, 46, 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • The Traveller Adventure (pp14-15, 120, 145, the 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • Library Data A-M (pp10, 21)
  • Library Data N-Z (pp12, 40)

Third Frontier War
  • Mercenary Ticket IV from 76 Patrons (p42, Third Frontier War)
  • AD02 RsG (pp1, 7, 43: Third & Fourth Frontier Wars)
  • AD03 Twilight's Peak (pp44, 46-49, 52: Second, Third, Fourth Frontier Wars)
  • AD06 Zhodane (pp41, 44, 46, 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • DA03 Argon Gambit (p22, First Frontier War; p23, Third Frontier War)
  • The Traveller Adventure (pp14-15, 120, 145, the 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • Fighting Ships (p40, First Frontier War; p15, Third Frontier War; pp5, 9, Fourth Frontier War)
  • Library Data N-Z (pp20, 40-41)

Fourth Frontier War
  • AD01 Kinunir (pp38, 39, 41: Fourth Frontier War)
  • AD02 RsG (pp1, 7, 43: Third & Fourth Frontier Wars)
  • AD03 Twilight's Peak (pp44, 46-49, 52: Second, Third, Fourth Frontier Wars)
  • AD04 Leviathan (pp5, 9, 13, 39, 40: Fourth Frontier War)
  • AD05 AHL (pp3, 9-11, Fourth Frontier War)
  • AD06 Zhodane (pp41, 44, 46, 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • The Traveller Adventure (pp14-15, 120, 145, the 1st-4th Frontier Wars)
  • Fighting Ships (p40, First Frontier War; p15, Third Frontier War; pp5, 9, Fourth Frontier War)
  • Library Data A-M (pp28, 49)
  • Library Data N-Z (p41)

Fifth Frontier War

  • LBB6 Scouts (p6, External Mapping Branch, p10-11, war missions)
  • Fifth Frontier War (boardgame) (pp5-7 TNAS entries)
  • JTAS article A Dagger at Efate (BOJTAS #2 p24-25)
  • JTAS article Soft Bunk (or, what to do when the Zhodani attack) BOJTAS #3, p44.
  • AD03: Twilight's Peak (pp11, 13, 56-57)
  • AD04 Leviathan (pp1, 10, 12, 15, 42)
  • AD06 Zhodane (pp7, 10, 11, 15, 31, 36-39)
  • AD07: Broadsword
  • The Traveller Adventure (pp16, 21, 69, 77)

Spinward Marches Campaign
Pages  Topic
-----  ----------------------------------
8-16   The Fifth Frontier War
32-34  154th Battle Rider Squadron
35     High Guard ship statistics
37     Organization Charts
38-41  The 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment
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Did my numbering scheme lead you to think that? No, I'm just ID'ing them to differentiate the topics.
I'd add:

CT:AM8 (Darrian) page 13 for their vision and influence on them
MT:Rebellion Sourcebook page 66 (zhodani) on the reasons for the Frontier Wars (all of them)
First Frontier War

Thanks McP.

The Outworld Coalition

The Zhodani are one of three known major human races. Zhodani inhabit the Zhodani Consulate, a large (and growing) interstellar empire to spinward of the lmperium; clashes and conflicts between them and the Imperium have recurred for the last six hundred years, with each engagement becoming more intense [AD03 49]. During this time the Zhodani have been a constant enemy of the lmperium [TTA 145].

The Outworld Coalition is the traditional name for the belligerent groups allied against the lmperium during the First and Second Frontier Wars. Commonly applied to any alliance of powers threatening the Spinward Marches and lmperial territories spinward of the Great Rift.

The original Outworld Coalition was formed in the early 500's at the instigation of the Zhodani Consulate. Vargr allegiances vacillated, but memories of the Imperial campaigns against certain Vargr states in the Corridor swayed some into membership. Zhodane, as the major partner, contributed military aid and assistance (such as technicians and advisors). While some Vargr governments contributed personnel and naval units, other Vargr remained neutral or sided with the Imperium.

The initial history of the coalition was one of continuing struggle for organization, as the Zhodani were continually occupied in establishing Vargr governments, and then maintaining them in power. The intent was for the Vargr to harry the coreward edge of the Spinward Marches, especially Regina and Aramis subsectors, while the major thrust from Zhodane took Cronor and Jewell subsectors. The Vargr portions of the offensive failed dismally. Furthermore, the failure resulted in a collapse of the coalition [LDNZ 12].

Summaries of the First Frontier War

The First Frontier War was a dispute over present and future limits to settlement in the Spinward Marches area [LDNZ 33]. It grew to involve all eight coreward subsectors [AD06 41]. By 550, the two empires had intermingled their settlements, in some cases sharing systems, in others holding neighboring worlds. The differences between the lmperium and the Zhodani heightened tensions, bringing the two sides into conflict and, eventually, open warfare [LDNZ 40, TTA 14]. Olav hault-Plankwell, as Grand Admiral of the Marches, defeated the massive incursions of the Out-World Coalition during the war [LDAM 45]. Communications lags and a lack of preparedness forced the Marches to conduct most of the war on its own, with little additional help or support from the Imperium. Plankwell found solid support for a new government, marching on the Capital with his war fleet, and sparking the Civil War by his assassination of Empress Jacqueline I [LDAM 20].

The First Frontier War (589 to 604) was the first of a series of wars between the lmperium and the Zhodani Consulate. The Zhodani had rallied to their side the Vargr of the neighboring Gvurrdoun[sic] Sector and formed the Outworld Coalition. The initial attacks caught the lmperium less than fully prepared and quickly expelled lmperial settlements from Zhodani territories beyond the Spinward Marches Sector boundaries. Fighting continued for fifteen years and was characterized by raids against high population worlds deep within the sector. Ultimately, armistice lines were drawn, ceding portions of the Cronor subsector to the Zhodani. Grand Admiral Olav hault-Plankwell had defeated an expeditionary Zhodani/Vargr fleet at Zivije following its raid against Jae Tellona (both in the Rhylanor Subsector). The result crippled the Zhodani capability to prosecute the war fully but also inflicted enough losses on the lmperial squadrons to force a stalemate. The negotiated armistice allowed the lmperium to claim a large amount of previously unincorporated territory to replace the parts of Cronor subsector ceded to Zhodane. Admiral hault-Plankwell claimed victory for the Imperium, while simultaneously castigating the central lmperial authority for its lack of support during the war. Admiral hault-Plankwell's subsequent expedition to the capital and assassination of the Empress Jacqueline began the Civil War (604 to 622) [LDAM 40, TTA 14].

Al Morai

[Al Morai] Service outside the lmperium (to Darrian and the Sword Worlds) was discontinued when the First Frontier War began (589)and has never been resumed [SMC 31].

The Sword Worlds

Entrope, Winston, and Anselhome [were] all former Darrian territory taken by the Sword Worlds during the 1st Frontier War [SMC 11]. The First Frontier War brought a desire for cooperation among the various squabbling worlds [among the Sword Worlds], and the end of the war saw the formation of the first unified confederation in centuries, centered on Sacnoth, and referred to as the Second Dominate. As a result of the Outworld Coalition's victory, the Sword Worlds annexed Terant 340, Torment, Trifuge, and Cunnonic, all in the Darrian subsector [LDNZ 23].


AD03: Adventure 3, Twilight's Peak
TTA: The Traveller Adventure
LDAM, LDNZ: Library Data
AD06: Adventure 6, Expedition to Zhodane
SMC: Spinward Marches Campaign
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Second Frontier War


The Second Frontier War in 615-620 and the Third Frontier War in 979-986 saw tremendous Zhodani incursions into the Marches. The Imperial Civil War was the direct cause of the Second Frontier War, where the losers of the first war saw an opportunity to regain their losses [SMC 18]. Their defeat in that war had greater effects than they would know [LDAM 21].


The Second Frontier War (615 to 620) began in the later years of the Civil War, as the Zhodani and the Vargr saw that their stalemated First Frontier War had disrupted the fabric of the Imperium. The disbanded Outworld Coalition reformed, and struck again, this time deeper into the Jewell subsector [LDNZ 40, TTA 14].
It began with an attack on the then Imperial subsector capital of Cipango (0705) and then exploded to engulf three subsectors. Ultimately, Chronor subsector was lost and the borders that were established have remained roughly the same to this day [AD06 44].
Arbellatra (587 to 666) was named Grand Admiral of the Marches by Cleon V and led the combined local and Imperial forces to defeat the Coalition [LDNZ 18]. The fierce initial battles strengthened local resolve, and drew the war out for several years. Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi fought a holding action accompanied with behind-the-lines raids for nearly three years in Jewell subsector. Finally, the sector's shipyards finished construction of several large dreadnaughts, and they, coupled with reinforcements from trailing sectors, enabled a decisive engagement which stalemated both sides. Alkhalikoi accepted the dangerous responsibility of ceding more territory to the Zhodani and of releasing perhaps a dozen systems previously incor-porated into the Imperium, rendering them independent.


Alkhalikoi then proceeded to reestablish the central Imperial authority [LDNZ 18]: she emulated her predecessor - hault-Plankwell - and moved to the lmperial Capital. The Civil War still raging, she met and defeated the remnants of the Central Fleet operating under the command of the barracks Emperor Gustus. Her actions ended the Civil War [LDNZ 40, TTA 14].


SMC: Spinward Marches Campaign
LDAM, LDNZ: Library Data
TTA: The Traveller Adventure
AD06: Adventure 6, Expedition to Zhodane
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Third Frontier War

Third Frontier War


Third Frontier War (979 to 985): ... erupted ... in 979 with simultaneous blows in the Querion and Jewell subsectors. Imperial reaction was deficient, and the hostilities continued for nearly six years with little to show for it. The armistice finally signed in 986 give each side little, and brought about the abdication of Emperor Styryx in 989 [AD03 48].


The Third Frontier War (979 to 986) began in much the same manner as the previous two wars had, with Zhodani attacks in the coreward regions of the Spinward Marches. The initial Zhodani attacks against the Imperium concentrated on Boughene, Pixie, and Efate in an attempt to cut off the Jewell subsector. These opening moves were essential duplicates of Zhodani actions in previous wars; only after the hostilities had continued for several months did the enemy introduce a new strategy to parallel the action in Regina. A subordinate drive, supported only by a narrow string of makeshift bases, pushed through both Vilis and Lanth subsectors straight at Rhylanor. Major forces then took Porozlo and began a siege of Rhylanor, hoping to reduce the world and establish a major stronghold before the Imperium could respond.

During the siege, Imperial forces from Regina were diverted to reinforce Rhylanor, even though they were sorely needed elsewhere. Rhylanor was ultimately the scene of several battles, and only the insertion of fleet assets from the neighboring Sabine subsector finally turned the tide of the war.
By 981, the war was back on a more even footing, with actions concentrating in the Regina and Vilis subsectors. Nevertheless, enemy raids were frequent throughout the area for several years [AD03 52].

During the Third Frontier War (979 to 986), the major efforts of the Outworld Coalition were directed at Efate, Boughene, and Pixie, all in the Regina subsector. This strategy was essentially the same as had been used in the previous wars. But in addition, the Coalition launched a subordinate drive through the Vilis and Lanth subsectors, across the Abyss, and gaining a foothold at Jae Tellona. From there, both Rhylanor and Porozlo were put under seige. This salient diverted large portions of the Imperial fleet from their main engagement in the Regina subsector, and brought the war to a stalemate that lasted some eleven months. Neither side could make any real advances, but the entire rear of the Imperial defense was threatened. The insertion of substantial reinforcements from the neighboring Sabine subsector eventually broke the deadlock, and forced the Zhodani hordes back [AD02 7-8].


Vanejen figured prominently in this campaign of the Third Frontier War. [It] remained at low tech levels until recontacted in 980. Strategically the Navy needed a rear area starbase from which to support the expulsion of the Outworlders; Vanejen looked to be most suitable. The local inhabitants became aware of their starfaring neighbors.

Ordinarily, this would be the cause of great civil upheaval, but the Navy was exceptionally prudent. In return for services to the Navy, the government received technological assistance [AD02 7-8].

Porozlo, Battle of 980

The Zhodani thrust (in the Third Frontier War) through Vilis and Lanth subsectors toward Rhylanor met a not unexpected problem - Rhylanor has no gas giant, although it does have a strong naval base to defend it. Neighboring Porozlo (Porozlo / Rhylanor 0305 B867A74-A) not only had a gas giant for quick refueling, but also possessed a naval base of potentially great use to invading naval forces.The battle began with the appearance of a single large Zhodani task force off Porozlo's primary; it proceeded directly to the larger of hva gas giants in the system. The local naval base reacted immediately, even admirably, considering that there was no warning of Zhodani approaches this far from the front lines, However, as the first Zhodani task force refuelled, portions of it engaged the local defenses, preoccupying them as a second task farce appeared and drove straight for Porozlo. The threat of action against the planetary defenses and facilities prompted the world organization to declare Porozlo an open world. Naval forces either surrendered or jumped to safety at Rhylanor.
The fall of Porozlo provided the Zhodani with a supporting base for their siege of Rhylanor. Ships could easily refuel at the gas giant, jump-t to Rhylanor for raids, attacks. or blockade patrols, and still have enough fuel for jump-1 back to Porozlo, where a class A starport and the captured naval base stood ready to repair any damage immediately [AD03 46-47].


Quar (0808) was pronounced independent as a result of the armistice after the Third Frontier War [SMC 18].

World Reabsorption

Initially, the lmperium resorted to diplomacy and bureaucracy to reabsorb scattered worlds [in the Solomani Sphere] into the lmperial mainstream. [...] Exhausted, however, by the Third Frontier War (979 t o 986), the lmperium was unable to complete the process [of reintegration by means of the Solomani Rim War] [DA03 23].


During the war, the Imperial Navy interned approximately 400 Zhodani civilians (all proles; social standing 9 or less) on Lewis at this site, and the interneeswere usedto operatethe mine. When the war ended, the Zhodani were repatriated [TTA 120].

Military DoctrineDuring the war, high losses in civilian shipping and among transport vessels impressed into Imperial service resulted in the issuance of an Admiralty specification for a mid-sized escort vessel expressly for close protection of unarmed transport craft. The design which was finally accepted was the Fer-de-lance class destroyer escort [FS 15].

Naval architecture had concentrated primarily on the battle rider as the main vessel intended to stand in the line of battle [FS 9].

The 154th Battle Rider Squadron was refitted with the new Quiquilat class Battle Riders - one jump-4 carrier and six riders. With the outbreak of the Third Frontier War in 979, the squadron was transferred to the Spinward Marches, where it fought in the region of Lysen and Utoland [SMC 32-33].

The 154th Battle Rider Squadron adopted its current in- signia in 992 in commemoration of its service in the Third Frontier War. In operations at Lysen, the 154th saw action against the Zhodani 18th and 198th Cruiser Squadrons attempting to force their way through to Lysen's surface. In a feint, the Zhodani commander committed thirty-four Zhdits class Destroyer Escorts against two Battle Riders holding station off Lysen, and saw thirty-three of them destroyed by deadly accurate fire. The two Battle Riders then returned to the main battle and assisted in driving off the cruiser squadrons with only light damage to themselves [SMC 38].

During the Third Frontier War, the [4518th Lift Infantry] regiment was committed to the Jewell subsector, serving on Foelen and Farreach [SMC 38].


The Third Frontier War marked the end of an uneasy peace that lasted nearly 350 years. In that time, the Zhodani territory in the Spinward Marches expanded to include four new systems (extending down into Querion subsector from Cronor). The Imperium retained Retinae/Querion as an Imperial territory and expanded its holdings in the Five Sisters subsector. In 979, Zhodani battle fleets struck at Jewell and Querion after several years of sabre-rattling. The Imperial reaction was deficient initially, although reinforcements were soon brought into the battle. The Third Frontier War was less characterized by the planetary sieges of previous wars, and more by commerce raiding, deep thrusts by cruiser squadrons to disrupt shipping, and by harassment of civilian shipping.The damage done to the civil populace, and the lack of progress in the war, turned public sentiment against the high command, and ultimately against the Emperor, who it was felt was prosecuting the war too slowly. Ultimately, an armistice was reached which ceded systems to the Zhodani in the Jewell subsector and allowed Zhodani occupation of several in the Querion subsector. Moreover, the Imperium withdrew several parsecs from their previous positions, creating a demilitarized region through much of Vilis subsector. With the Zhodani on their doorstep, Retinae applied for, and was granted, disunion from the Imperium. The outcry against the peace settlement when it was announced was enough to force the abdication of the Emperor Styryx. Nevertheless, the settlement created reasonably secure borders along the Zhodani frontier, and allowed the Marches to continue with their commerce and industry [LDNZ 40-41, TTA 14-15].
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Fourth Frontier War

Fourth Frontier War


The Fourth Frontier War was little more than a skirmish, compared to earlier conflicts. Neither side was prepared for the war, and an armistice was quickly worked out. The only lasting effect of the war was to shift Esalin (Jewell 0204) from Imperial control to neutral world status [AD06 41].


During [Strephon's] reign, the Fourth Frontier War (1082 to 1084) erupted; clever public relations turned the matter to Strephon's advantage, although he actually had little to do with it. The long delay in communications with the front meant that his orders held little sway, and the armistice arrived almost as soon as the news of the war [LDAM 47].

Also known as the False War, it was a short and inconclusive war fought primarily in the Jewell subsector between the lmperium and the Zhodani Consulate. Initial assaults by the Zhodani, against Jewell and Regina subsectors, were stalled at the borders. The armistice was signed before instructions for the conduct of the war were received from the capital [LDAM 28].

The war began unintentionally, as a result of an incident near Quare/Cronor, where the lmperium maintains a naval base just beyond the Zhodani border. This triggered a series of naval battles throughout the Jewell and Cronor subsectors. An armistice was concluded after eighteen months of fighting, before the capital had a chance to issue instructions or send reinforcements. The lmperium lost another world (Narval/Cronor), and was forced to accept joint tenancy of Esalin/Jewell with the Zhodani, but it regained two worlds lost to the Sword Worlds a century before [LDNZ 41, TTA 15].

The Battle of Two Suns

Battle of Two Suns, 1084: The final battle between Imperial forces and the barbarians in the Fourth Frontier War. Losses on both sides were heavy, but the lmperium held the field and the barbarians were unable to continue their advance due to their lengthening supply lines. Had the battle gone the other way, the loss of both Yres and Menorb (the encounter occurring midway between those two locations) would have forced the evacuation of Efate and meant the collapse of the entire coreward end of the Regina subsector [AD01 38].

Tension in Egyrn

Naval interests are not keen on civilian penetration of the Egyrn region, due to continuing tensions from the Fourth Frontier War (1082-1084)with the Zhodani Consulate [AD04 5].

Skirmishes in the Outrim

A retired naval engineer (age 58, 343886) tells of several minor clashes his destroyer had with Zhodani ships during the Fourth Frontier War. His ship was involved in intruder sweeps and picket duty along the Outrim border, and the long distances from Zhodani territory suggests they must have had some bases in the Outrim [AD04 9].


[Ganulph] was originally inhabited by a society that had attained tech level 5. During the Fourth Frontier War, it was garrisoned by Imperial Marines as an advanced base, including a major munitions store. In early 1084 all life on the planet, and its atmospheric envelope, was destroyed in the Manoeuvre of Ganulf (see Library Data). The Marine commander was posthumously court-martialled.

The planet is now completely valueless and still highly radioactive [AD04 13-14].

Ganulf, Manoeuvre of, 1084: Important Note - Restricted to Naval Files only. In early 1084 during the Fourth Frontier War, lmperial forces assigned to the Egyrn subsector were drawn into a long series of skirmishes in the vicinity of Walei (0102) and Nabeth (0402). The reason for these became clear when a Zhodani task force arrived over Ganulph (0507) and overwhelmed the solitary guardship, the Light Cruiser Alchemda.

The Imperial resupply base with its small marine garrison held out for a short time, but eventually a spread of missiles penetrated a munitions storage silo, causing an immense nuclear explosion and sympathetic detonations in other storage areas.

In the increasing convulsions that followed, Ganulph lost its thin atmospheric envelope and all life on the planet became extinct.

Munitions at the base included certain experimental weapons, and the sub- sequent court of enquiry laid the blame on the logistics staff for inadequate storage safeguards [AD04 40].


Esalin is an unusual world in this divided subsector; originally settled by Imperial colonists in 835, it fell to Zhodani advances in 1082. Its value as an agricultural world, however, led the Zhodani to tolerate the Imperial presence [AD06 46].

Naval Strategy

Following the Fourth Frontier War (1082 t o 1084), sometimes referred t o as the False War, the Imperial Admiralty began a fundamental reexamination of their naval strategy in the spinward regions of the realm. Prior to that fourth war, naval policy had favored essentially a "crust" strategy, with major fleet elements well forward in potential trouble spots such as the Spinward Marches. For decades this strategy had been effective due to the tremendous technological and material lead enjoyed by the lmperium over its neighbors. The Fourth Frontier War demon-
strated, however, that the Imperium's lead had narrowed to the point that a clear superiority could no longer be achieved at all points along the frontier [S9 5].

In addition to prompting a strategic reevaluation, the Fourth Frontier War (1082 to 1084) also brought about a minor counter-revolutionin naval tactics. Prior to the war, naval architecture had concentrated primarily on the battle rider as the main vessel intended to stand in the line of battle. [...] the early weeks of the Fourth Frontier War uncovered a serious design weakness. When faced with superior numbers, the riders were unable to withdraw and jump out-system due to the time required to secure them in their tenders. Thus, rider BatRons suffered disproportionate losses in the early stages of the war.

The solution arrived at was to concentrate all rider BatRons in the strategic reserves while manning the frontier delaying forces exclusively with ships [S9 9].

Lightning-class Cruisers

the first [Lightning-class] ships to be converted [to a meson spine and black globe] were immediately assigned to the Spinward Marches, where they served in the opening days of the Fourth Frontier War (1082 to 1084) [AHL 3].

[the AHL] was ... placed on neutrality watch on the border between the lmperium and the Zhodani Consulate. With the outbreak of war in early 1082, the Azhanti immediately led its small escort of Fiery and Gazelle class ships directly toward the Zhodani thrust through Vilis subsector, and succeeded in beating back the enemy with minimal losses to the Imperial Task Force [AHL 10].

Gyro Cadiz Escort Found

Naval patrol ships reconning the Treece system (Lanth subsector) found, and destroyed, a Shivva class patrol frigate (Zhodani, obviously) in the process of refueling. Afterwards, while checking out the rest of the system, the navy found a single scout/courier in a cometary orbit.

It proved to be one of the scouts from the Gyro Cadiz task force, its crew dead, its power cells long since drained, Its entire memory banks were contaminated and unreadable, with the only clue to the fate of the task force contained in the diary of a crewmember [AD03 52].

Oberlindes Established

Oberlindes Lines was established in the aftermath of the Fourth Frontier War, depending to a great extent on lmperial surplus transport ships to meet the demand for trade goods by worlds cut off by the war [AD01 41].


TTA: The Traveller Adventure
LDAM, LDNZ: Library Data
AD01: Adventure 1, The Kinunir
AD03: Adventure 3, Twilight's Peak
AD04: Adventure 4, Leviathan
AD06: Adventure 6, Expedition to Zhodane
S9: Supplement 9, Fighting Ships
AHL: Azhanti High Lightning
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Fifth Frontier War

Fifth Frontier War

AD03: Twilight's Peak, pp56-57. After the 4th FW, the Zhodani realized that they needed an advanced base (Fulacin) to support the reduction of Rhylanor (in the next war).

AD04: Leviathan (pp1, 5, 15, 42). Some worlds of Egyrn subsector are client states of the Consulate; the Zhodani are believed to still be active here.

The Traveller Adventure. The Imperial government has established several trading stations along the border to encourage ... commerce, with the ultimate aim of economically tying the nearby Vargr to the Imperium, lessening the chance of their joining the Zhodani in a new war. (16)

Because of the recent increase in tension on the Zhodani border, the Imperial Navy has asked for and been granted a freeze in the price of lanthanum produced in the Imperium, in an attempt to reduce the cost of stockpiling this vital resource. (21, 77)

The Zhodani is apparently a threat to the Aramis subsector. (69)

Best of JTAS #2 pp5-7, A Dagger at Efate. Supplemental to the building unrest on Efate on the eve of war.

AD06: Zhodane (p37) has dispositions of Zhodani fleets and squadrons in the Cronor subsector about two weeks before war is declared.

Game 4: Fifth Frontier War, pp5-7. TNAS entries, linking Ine Givar sabotage in 201-1105 (of General Shipyards' L-Hyd facility) to Zhodani prewar positioning. By 148-1106 the Army admits to counter-insurgency operations on Efate. Piracy noticeably increases in the coreward reaches of Regina subsector by 054-1107. A Zhodani battle fleet "appears" at Ruie by 186-1107. War is declared in 187-1107. Regina is invaded in 201-1107. The Sword Worlds declare war on 204-1107 and attack Lanth.

AD07: Broadsword (pp4-13, 37, 40-43) takes place about 9 days after war is declared -- in other words, news of the siege of Regina is 9 days old, and Vilis subsector has no knowledge of it yet. Meanwhile, Sword Worlder and Zhodani elements have been smuggled onto Garda-Vilis. Hilarity ensues. Zhodani ships, including the Patrol Frigate and the Patrol Corvette, are on page 37. Zhodani and Sword Worlder troop configurations are on pp40-43.

Library Data A-M. Fifth Frontier War (1107 to - ): Latest in the series of continuing wars between the Zhodani and the Imperium. Following several years of unrest and provocation, Zhodani forces attacked across the Imperial borders while previously placed guerrillas on selected Imperial worlds began uprisings. Vargr and Sword World forces allied with the Zhodani also participatedin the attacks. (27)

Module 3: The Spinward Marches Campaign. This is THE primary source on the Fifth Frontier War. Disposition of the 154th at the end of the war (2). The belligerents in the war (8-9). The progress of the war (9-11). Personalities (11,16). Charts (12-13). Timeline (16). Armistice (16). The 154th Battle Rider Squadron (33, 35-37). 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment (37-41).

JTAS Issues 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 have TNAS entries that span the war's timeline (there are a few amber zones here too, such as Soft Bunk in issue 9).
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