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Careers - INDEX Thread


Careers for your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

Careers for your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.
Third Imperium is a Classic Traveller fanzine, now available free on the net HERE.

Third Imperium #2 includes the JSB, otherwise known as the Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch.

Advanced CharGen method.

Third Imperium #11

Assassins. Advanced CharGen method.
Third Imperium is a Classic Traveller fanzine, now available free on the net HERE.

Third Imperium #2 includes the JSB, otherwise known as the Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch.

Advanced CharGen method.

Third Imperium #11

Assassins. Advanced CharGen method.
High Passage is a Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for five issues.

High Passage #1

Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch (JSB). Basic CharGen method.
High Passage is a Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for five issues.

High Passage #1

Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch (JSB). Basic CharGen method.
Mandatory Draft

This is an alternate rule that I use in my campaign.

At age 18, before enlistment in any career, all characters of SOC 5- must check for the mandatory draft (although characters of higher SOC may submit to the draft in the normal manner).

Roll SOC or less on 1D to avoid the Draft.

Those drafted submit to the draft in normal fashion. Those successfully avoiding the mandatory draft carry on with character generation as usual.
Mandatory Draft

This is an alternate rule that I use in my campaign.

At age 18, before enlistment in any career, all characters of SOC 5- must check for the mandatory draft (although characters of higher SOC may submit to the draft in the normal manner).

Roll SOC or less on 1D to avoid the Draft.

Those drafted submit to the draft in normal fashion. Those successfully avoiding the mandatory draft carry on with character generation as usual.
Basic CharGen vs. Advanced CharGen

I'm sure you've noticed that when you roll up a character using the Advanced CharGen rules, you end up with a character that is more highly skilled than characters generated using the Basic method.

The brilliant guys at DGP introduced a rule in MegaTraveller that will reconcile characters generated by either method. This rule can be imported into Classic Traveller so that Basic and Advanced CharGen turn out comparable characters.

When using Basic 4-Year CharGen, add the Special Duty roll from MT. Characters roll for Special Duty just before the roll for Re-enlistment is conducted.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Special Duty
Navy 5+
Marine 4+
Army 6+
Scout 4+
Flyer 6+
Sailor 6+
Law Enforcer 4+
Doctor 6+
Diplomat 5+
Bureaucrat 6+
Scientist 5+
Noble 6+
Merchant 4+
Belter 6+
Pirate 5+
Rogue 5+
Hunter 6+
Barbarian 7+
Other 7+</pre>[/QUOTE]A successful Special Duty roll nets the character an extra skill for the term.

In addition, any time a Commission, Promotion, or Special Duty throw succeeds by 4+, a bonus skill is awarded for the term as well.

Adding this rule to your Classic Traveller game will remove any discrepancy you might find between Basic and Advanced characters.

EDIT: The overbalance of skills provided in Advanced CharGen is another good reason to enforce the Survival rule (especially the optional Survival rule presented in Book 1 that allows a character to survive but forces the close of character generation). Advanced characters do receive more skills, on average, than a basic character, but advanced characters are also submitted to many, many more survival throws--up to four a term (albeit the throws are typically easier than that for basic characters). Still, the probability is that an advanced character will brick one of these rolls and have to enter play using the optional survival rule.

The survival rule, when looked at this way, is the great equalizer between Basic CharGen and Advanced CharGen characters. Some GMs may even decide the imported MT rule for Special Duty is un-necessary given this.

Advanced CharGen characters are kept compatible with Basic CharGen characters using two methods: Enforcement of the Survival Optional Rule and the Experience Limit Rule that states a character cannot have more total skill levels than the sum of his INT + EDU.
Basic CharGen vs. Advanced CharGen

I'm sure you've noticed that when you roll up a character using the Advanced CharGen rules, you end up with a character that is more highly skilled than characters generated using the Basic method.

The brilliant guys at DGP introduced a rule in MegaTraveller that will reconcile characters generated by either method. This rule can be imported into Classic Traveller so that Basic and Advanced CharGen turn out comparable characters.

When using Basic 4-Year CharGen, add the Special Duty roll from MT. Characters roll for Special Duty just before the roll for Re-enlistment is conducted.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Special Duty
Navy 5+
Marine 4+
Army 6+
Scout 4+
Flyer 6+
Sailor 6+
Law Enforcer 4+
Doctor 6+
Diplomat 5+
Bureaucrat 6+
Scientist 5+
Noble 6+
Merchant 4+
Belter 6+
Pirate 5+
Rogue 5+
Hunter 6+
Barbarian 7+
Other 7+</pre>[/QUOTE]A successful Special Duty roll nets the character an extra skill for the term.

In addition, any time a Commission, Promotion, or Special Duty throw succeeds by 4+, a bonus skill is awarded for the term as well.

Adding this rule to your Classic Traveller game will remove any discrepancy you might find between Basic and Advanced characters.

EDIT: The overbalance of skills provided in Advanced CharGen is another good reason to enforce the Survival rule (especially the optional Survival rule presented in Book 1 that allows a character to survive but forces the close of character generation). Advanced characters do receive more skills, on average, than a basic character, but advanced characters are also submitted to many, many more survival throws--up to four a term (albeit the throws are typically easier than that for basic characters). Still, the probability is that an advanced character will brick one of these rolls and have to enter play using the optional survival rule.

The survival rule, when looked at this way, is the great equalizer between Basic CharGen and Advanced CharGen characters. Some GMs may even decide the imported MT rule for Special Duty is un-necessary given this.

Advanced CharGen characters are kept compatible with Basic CharGen characters using two methods: Enforcement of the Survival Optional Rule and the Experience Limit Rule that states a character cannot have more total skill levels than the sum of his INT + EDU.
Maxiumum Terms

Classic Traveller careers are subject to CT's Maximum Terms rule that states a character can be in CharGen for no longer than seven terms unless Mandatory Re-Enlistment is thrown.

This is a good rule to enforce as it helps keep the generation of unbalancing characters to a miniumum.

But, for those, like me, who want it a bit more possible but still not probable that a character can go longer than seven terms, an alternate rule is available.

Upon completion of a character's seventh term, the re-enlistment roll for the eighth term becomes 8+. The re-enlistment roll for the ninth term becomes 9+. The re-enlistment throws needed for the tenth and eleventh terms become 10+ and 11+ respectively. Re-enlistment for a twelfth term or greater becomes a 12+.

Note that the Aging table is another deterrent from characters spending multiple terms in a career.
Maxiumum Terms

Classic Traveller careers are subject to CT's Maximum Terms rule that states a character can be in CharGen for no longer than seven terms unless Mandatory Re-Enlistment is thrown.

This is a good rule to enforce as it helps keep the generation of unbalancing characters to a miniumum.

But, for those, like me, who want it a bit more possible but still not probable that a character can go longer than seven terms, an alternate rule is available.

Upon completion of a character's seventh term, the re-enlistment roll for the eighth term becomes 8+. The re-enlistment roll for the ninth term becomes 9+. The re-enlistment throws needed for the tenth and eleventh terms become 10+ and 11+ respectively. Re-enlistment for a twelfth term or greater becomes a 12+.

Note that the Aging table is another deterrent from characters spending multiple terms in a career.
Old Age Experience

As people grow older, they typically become less physical, but they also typically become more experienced with age.

This optional rule allows a character to roll for an extra skill each time he rolls on the aging table.

For example, a character turning 34 years old must roll 8+ or his STR decreases by a point. He must roll 7+, or his DEX decreases by a point. And, he must roll 8+, or his END decreases by a point.

Under this optional rule, that same character would be allowed three additional skill checks: Rolling 8+, 7+, and 8+, with a success on any allowing a bonus skill for the term. Conceivably, the character could loose three stat points during the term but pick up three new skills, depending on how the rolls fall.

Note that GMs should enforce the Experience Limit rule if this optional rule is used.
Old Age Experience

As people grow older, they typically become less physical, but they also typically become more experienced with age.

This optional rule allows a character to roll for an extra skill each time he rolls on the aging table.

For example, a character turning 34 years old must roll 8+ or his STR decreases by a point. He must roll 7+, or his DEX decreases by a point. And, he must roll 8+, or his END decreases by a point.

Under this optional rule, that same character would be allowed three additional skill checks: Rolling 8+, 7+, and 8+, with a success on any allowing a bonus skill for the term. Conceivably, the character could loose three stat points during the term but pick up three new skills, depending on how the rolls fall.

Note that GMs should enforce the Experience Limit rule if this optional rule is used.
Noble Influence

Optional rule for nobles going through CharGen.

Once per term, a noble may attempt to use is position, family, and contacts to influence his destiny.


If successful, the noble may apply a beneficial +1 DM (or a -1 DM) to any roll, anytime during character generation.

Noble Influence may be attempted only once per 4 year term.
Noble Influence

Optional rule for nobles going through CharGen.

Once per term, a noble may attempt to use is position, family, and contacts to influence his destiny.


If successful, the noble may apply a beneficial +1 DM (or a -1 DM) to any roll, anytime during character generation.

Noble Influence may be attempted only once per 4 year term.
Vilani Blood

Most Imperial citizens are a mix of Solomani and Vilani ancestry. In certain pockets of the empire, direct Vilani ancestry is strong, but rare.

Characters may attempt to check their Vilani ancestry by rolling on this table. Those with strong Vilani ancestry recieve a bonus when rolling on the Aging Table.

Those characters from homeworlds with a strong Vilani culture receive a +1 DM on when rolling for Vilani Blood.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> 2D
2-10 Of mixed heritage.
11 Of Vilani mixed-blood. +1 DM on the Aging Table.
12 Of Vilani mixed-blood. +2 DM on the Aging Table.
13 Of Vilani mixed-blood. +3 DM on the Aging Table.</pre>[/QUOTE]
Vilani Blood

Most Imperial citizens are a mix of Solomani and Vilani ancestry. In certain pockets of the empire, direct Vilani ancestry is strong, but rare.

Characters may attempt to check their Vilani ancestry by rolling on this table. Those with strong Vilani ancestry recieve a bonus when rolling on the Aging Table.

Those characters from homeworlds with a strong Vilani culture receive a +1 DM on when rolling for Vilani Blood.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> 2D
2-10 Of mixed heritage.
11 Of Vilani mixed-blood. +1 DM on the Aging Table.
12 Of Vilani mixed-blood. +2 DM on the Aging Table.
13 Of Vilani mixed-blood. +3 DM on the Aging Table.</pre>[/QUOTE]
Solomani Geneering

Characters with direct heritage of the Solomani Confederation may be the recipients of Geneering in thier family tree (although this is quite rare).

First, the GM must agree that the character's background and homeworld would link the character to the Solomani Confederation. Because geneering is expensive, only those of the higher social classes are typically elligible for the procedure. So, characters are not even elligible for geneering without passing the Elligibility Check.


Those that are elligible must roll 12+ on 2D to receive Solomani Geneering. Noble Influence can be used on this roll.

Recipients of Solomani Geneering roll beginning STR, DEX, END, INT, and EDU using a roll of 3D, selecting the best two dice of the three thrown. Note that SOC is not rolled using Solomani Geneering.

(Obviously, during character generation, SOC is rolled on 2D and is the only character stat rolled if this optional rule is used.)

Example: Henri, SOC-6, has been determined by the GM to be elligible to try for Solomani Geneering due to the culture on Henri's homeworld.

The first hurdle is that the GM must agree that Henri is elligible.

Secondly, Henri must rull 2D for 6- to be elligible for Solomani Geneering.

Third, Henri must roll 12 exactly on a 2D roll to be the recipient of Solomani Geneering in his family tree.

If Henri passes all three of these checks, then all of Henri's stats (except SOC, which has already been thrown on 2D) are thrown by rolling 3D and taking the best two.

If Henri rolled 3D, getting 2, 5, 4, then Henri's STR rating is 9.

GMs should take this rule seriously and use it very rarely--as a novelty.

Also, GMs may wish to limit the rule. Maybe just STR has been geneered in the character's background rather than all five of his six stats.

Benefactors of Solomani Geneering cannot also have Vilani Blood.
Solomani Geneering

Characters with direct heritage of the Solomani Confederation may be the recipients of Geneering in thier family tree (although this is quite rare).

First, the GM must agree that the character's background and homeworld would link the character to the Solomani Confederation. Because geneering is expensive, only those of the higher social classes are typically elligible for the procedure. So, characters are not even elligible for geneering without passing the Elligibility Check.


Those that are elligible must roll 12+ on 2D to receive Solomani Geneering. Noble Influence can be used on this roll.

Recipients of Solomani Geneering roll beginning STR, DEX, END, INT, and EDU using a roll of 3D, selecting the best two dice of the three thrown. Note that SOC is not rolled using Solomani Geneering.

(Obviously, during character generation, SOC is rolled on 2D and is the only character stat rolled if this optional rule is used.)

Example: Henri, SOC-6, has been determined by the GM to be elligible to try for Solomani Geneering due to the culture on Henri's homeworld.

The first hurdle is that the GM must agree that Henri is elligible.

Secondly, Henri must rull 2D for 6- to be elligible for Solomani Geneering.

Third, Henri must roll 12 exactly on a 2D roll to be the recipient of Solomani Geneering in his family tree.

If Henri passes all three of these checks, then all of Henri's stats (except SOC, which has already been thrown on 2D) are thrown by rolling 3D and taking the best two.

If Henri rolled 3D, getting 2, 5, 4, then Henri's STR rating is 9.

GMs should take this rule seriously and use it very rarely--as a novelty.

Also, GMs may wish to limit the rule. Maybe just STR has been geneered in the character's background rather than all five of his six stats.

Benefactors of Solomani Geneering cannot also have Vilani Blood.