Er, hi. I am still alive, although my only Traveller activity is to referee two PBEM campaigns (Beyond the Extents has been going for eight years now...). RL got me rather busy, and it looks like it's getting worse.
Hadn't checked the boards for some time, else I would have answered.
Sorry for taking my materials off the web. I just run out of time to maintain a webpage, and then there are other issues, e.g. a small part of the Geonee materials got published in GT: Humaniti (even if they got my name wrong).
I had wanted to put a webpage up again for some time, but in the end I sort of gave up. Some months ago I started reorganizing my game materials in private, not-to-be-circulated 32-pages PDF files for my own and my players' reference, which means I could merge my stuff with published stuff - Library data, art, and the like.
Anyway, if anybody is interested in my Geonee stuff, BTE, etc, drop me a note at carlos dot web at gmail dot com and I'll be happy to send you some files - please be patient, though.
Carlos Alos-Ferrer