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Carol "the Screamer" Souza, Ex-sector level athlete

Carol Souza Ex-Athlete, Sector Level B898B9 Age 34 4 Terms
Position-5, Acrobatics-2, Instruction-2, Admin-2, Sport-1
2 High Psg, Cr160,000

<Stock holovid footage of Luna domes, shuffling tourists in cheap vacsuits, automated or teleoperated mining equipment>
"...It is proven that Lunar retirement adds forty active years to your life. You are still valuable--let your mind work while your body rests here on Luna. Talk to a Selenite Life representative today about modifying your retirement account."

<Fluttering papers in the wind blowing off a desk reveal the flatscreen displaying...>
<Holovid of a person in powerball gear, bright red hair trailing from helmet, emitting a high pitched scream while running at full speed. Body impacts holocamera stand, sudden static>
"Yes, you ultimate holofantasy fans remember her very well. She is still in the top five of every sector powerball first round draft picks for all-stars. This despite not playing a down in ten years. I made a trip in person to Paradine's World to visit Carol "The Screamer" Souza at her facility, Olde Worlde Gym."

<Stock footage of Paradine's World tourist traps, beaches, bloodik trees, glimpse of a pair of jakkers>
"Most people who come to this world are here for a vacation. Outsiders who arrive on business are here to hire talented natives. Some are here to find cannon fodder for a mercenary outfit. Others have heard about a relatively new training facility. Not hitek, not even close. If you go here, you are definitely...
<1960s football training camp footage>
"Going old school."

<Footage of #23 evading defenders that cannot even be seen clearly, as hard to grasp as an oiled python>
"In the 2215 season, Carol Souza seemed to appear out of nowhere. From a Rio de Janiero suburb pickup game that was reported in the outgoing newspacket by lottery, she was selected for an Terran amateur team that won a trip to Darwin. Their shocking defeat of then quadrant champion Bayern by a 52-17 score made a lot of big league scouts pay attention.
"By 2217 Souza was already a bona-fide celebrity. She was the number one rusher in Sol quadrant and appeared to be unstoppable...

<Close up holovid of a jarring helmet-to-helmet collision, reversing slowly as #23 falls face down and is completely motionless in an awkward tangle of limbs>
"2218 Sol Quadrant Championship. Souza had broken a long run and was mere meters from scoring when she was blind-sided by Bayern safety Derion "Assassin" Hicks. Extensive replays showed that it was a perfectly legal tackle, but Souza was unable to appreciate it. On field medscan showed three shattered vertebra in her neck.
"It was one of those stories that hold your attention for a few days, until another wave of scores arrive in the next newspacket. Then our victim of the moment fades into obscurity. An average urbanite goes in for an automed scan to cure himself of a minor ailment. Rural planets have a more personal touch, but it is usually lotek and unsophisticated. In fact, there is no clear consensus as to how it happened, but somehow...when we thought it was over...

<Holovid of #23, obviously slower but much more powerful, running through and over defenders with no attempt to evade>
"She has obviously lost a step. It doesn't seem to make any difference, since even though defenders can reach her, they cannot stop her. They are no more than minor and temporary obstacles.
"As a player/coach, she could call her own number, and she did. Still, with only 70% of the playing time from last season, she led her quadrant division in rushing again. She had something to prove, and did so very effectively, as many battered and bruised defenders can attest. Now it seemed that same instinctive quality that made her so elusive before was now helping her keep balance and momentum, even with multiple defenders in opposition. After another spectacular success of a season, she announced her player retirement. Perhaps now she will fade away into genteel poverty?
"Not even close.

"Souza never forgot her roots, and spent the next four years scouring Sol subsector for talent. Evidently she had never heard the ancient adage that 'those that cannot do, teach' because not only did she demand outstanding performance, she would demonstrate desired techniques. Not many candidates met her stringent performance criteria.
"Memories of individual players fade fast, especially in a league that spans multiple sectors. So at first no one noticed that Souza was the new offensive coordinator for an unheralded expansion team, the Rheingold Thrashers. Who expected them to even have a winning season?
"Well, people started paying attention immediately. An opportunistic, gambling defense that had an astonishing ability to outguess their opposition, and Souza's combination of elusive instinctive runners like she used to be and power runners like she became, either left defenses flat footed or flat on their backs.
"Turnover ratio, time of possession and points scored were at end of season levels after their homestand. Their visitors' tour was even more impressive, since they seemed to tune out hostile crowd noises and threats at will.
"Souza even survived an attempt on her life during the sector playoffs..."
<...if you don't roll over, there will be trouble.'
Souza slowly stood up from her workstation and walked over to where the fixer sat.
'Get out.'
With a casual hand wave, a rather large, silent man moved into grappling range.
'You can roll over and make a lot of mercreds and good will or...'
'Your trained pet looks tough. Too bad I don't scare easy.'
'I guess you need a lesson in cooperation. Bruno?'
Bruno looked at Souza's halo of flaming red hair.
He growled and tried to engage in a bear hug. It was the last coherent sound he ever made>

"Souza's bare hand strangling of Bruno V made newspackets throughout the sector, and guaranteed an overflow crowd along with extensive holocoverage for their championship game against Shadow.
It could not be called a fair fight. A score of 73-0 in a championship game with two talented teams indicates consummate on field skill, impeccable coaching, or someone'sluck has run out. This time it was all three.

<Holovid of intense weightlifting with real metal plates and bars, blocking drills with lotek equipment, wind sprints while wearing weight vests, formations running the same play twenty to thirty times until every participant performs their task perfectly>
"This is punishment added to training. Souza likes it that way."
<Souza roams over the entire training area, her flame red hair still a wild halo, occasionally grabbing a recruit and yelling "you're wrong!" then resetting the procedure and demonstrating correct technique. Stances, blocking, cutbacks--she demonstrates it all.
<Souza's voice overlays training camp footage>
"Sensie rooms are a waste of time. They won't be worthwhile for another fifty years. Besides, an expert system can't look into a recruit's face and tell she needs to give ten percent extra on blocking drills to have a chance to make the team, or know when it's time to put the shake-and-bake on a free safety who thinks you have no Stealth skill."
<Holovid of an older Souza screaming as she runs full speed into another holocamera operator, then static>
"Some things never change.
"Back with a preview of our next program after these important messages..."
Last edited:

I thought I was going to generate SOME interest.

This was a character I generated using my revised CT Athlete rules. The first term skills looked a bit odd, but I went with it, and I came up with a line or two for each term showing progress. Add to that watching a lot of Youtube clips, and some domestic difficulties, and the rest fell in to place.

(I know, it sounds strange...but try living with a woman who has menopause multiplied by PMS...)

For those of you who don't know, the character is modeled after Gayle Sayers, coaching after Vince Lombardi, and the bad attitude from my wife...
updated writeup

<Country scene, with an old couple sitting on a porch sipping lemonade>
"Is this what you think of when someone mentions a well deserved retirement? That is so

Twentieth Century!"
<Stock holovid footage of Luna domes, small groups of shuffling tourists in vacsuits at

various historical sites>
[click here for a virtual tour of Luna tourist attractions and historical sites]
"You may have saved for years for that once in a lifetime trip to Luna, and you have bored

your friends to tears talking about it over and over. You may have thought you could never

afford to visit again...but not only could you visit, you could live there!"
<man and woman in silk pajamas and robes lying in contour couches, virtual reality gear on

head and hands; quick pan into forehead dissolves to camera view of teleoperated mining
equipment in action>
"Major corporations are always looking for talent. Not every labor position is on some far

off world, parsecs away. Design and testing of many emerging technologies takes place

right here on Luna. Selenite Life is your single source for employee placement services

and retirement options."
[click here for instant access to a Selenite Life representative]
<Woman in classic polo shirt and bermuda shorts casually driving golf balls for tremendous

distances, frail white haired man trips, slowly settles to the floor and gets up, brushing

his clothes free of invisible dust and laughing>
"It is proven that Lunar retirement adds forty active years to your life. Regardless of

your age, you are still valuable. Let your mind work while your body rests here on Luna.
Talk to a Selenite Life representative today about employment opportunities or modifying

your retirement account."

<Fluttering papers in the wind blowing off a desk reveal the flatscreen displaying>

<Holovid of a person in powerball gear, bright red hair trailing from helmet, emitting a

high pitched scream while running at full speed. Body impacts holocamera stand, sudden

"Yes, you ultimate holofantasy fans remember her very well. Any sector wide draft for all

stars still places her in the top five of any list. This popularity persists despite her

not playing a down in ten years. I made a trip in person to Paradine's World to visit

Carol 'the Screamer' Souza at her facility, Olde Worlde Gym."

<Stock footage of Paradine's World: incredibly healthy looking natives, beaches and

crystal clear waters, man skillfully climbing a bloodik tree without climbing gear,

glimpses of a pair of jakkers attacking a fishing boat>
"Most people who come to this world are here for a vacation. Relax on the beach, or go

fishing for the incredibly dangerous jakkers. Outsiders who arrive on business are here to

hire talented natives. Some are here to find cannon fodder for a mercenary outfit. Others
have heard about a relatively new training facility. Not hitek, not even close. If you go

here, you are definitely..."
<1960s football training camp footage>
"Going old school."

<"How did she do that?"
"Look at her shift her balance-right there! There is no way she could have seen Thompson

coming up behind her. That move added another twenty meters to her run and another

"Incredible! She is as hard to grasp as an oiled python.">
"In the 2215 season, Carol Souza seemed to appear out of nowhere. From a Rio de Janiero

suburb pickup game that was reported in the outgoing newspacket by lottery, she was

selected for an Terran amateur team that won a trip to Darwin. Their shocking defeat of
then quadrant champion Bayern by a 24-17 score made a lot of big league scouts pay

"By 2217 Souza was already a bona-fide celebrity. Every game could be used as a personal

highlight reel. She was the number one rusher in Sol quadrant for the second consecutive

year and appeared to be unstoppable..."

<Close up of a jarring helmet-to-helmet collision, reversing slowly as #42 falls face down

and is completely motionless in an awkward tangle of limbs>
"2218 Sol Quadrant Championship. Souza had broken a long run and was mere meters from

scoring when she was blind-sided by Bayern safety Derion "Assassin" Hicks. Extensive

replays showed that it was a perfectly legal tackle, but Souza was unable to appreciate

it. On field medscan showed three shattered vertebra in her neck.
"It was one of those stories that hold your attention for a few days, until another wave

of scores arrive in the next newspacket. Then our victim of the moment fades into

obscurity. What happens next? An average urbanite goes in for an automed scan to cure

himself of a minor ailment. Rural planets have a more personal touch, but it is usually

lotek and unsophisticated. In fact, there is no clear consensus as to how it happened, but

somehow...when we thought it was over...

<"Off tackle by Souza...can you believe that? She moved the pile four meters!"
"Look at that replay. She had three defenders hanging onto her, and she's still moving."
"Laser measurement in progress...first down!">
"She has obviously lost a step. It doesn't seem to make any difference, since even though

defenders can reach her, they cannot stop her. They are no more than minor and temporary

"As a player/coach, she could call her own number, and she did. Still, with only 70% of

the playing time from last season, she led her quadrant division in rushing again. She had

something to prove, and did so very effectively, as many battered and bruised defenders

can attest. Now it seemed that same instinctive quality that made her so elusive before

was now helping her keep balance and momentum, even with multiple defenders in opposition.
After another spectacular success of a season, she announced her player retirement.

Perhaps now she will fade away into genteel poverty?
"Not even close.

"Souza never forgot her roots, and spent the next four years scouring Sol subsector for

talent. Evidently she had never heard the ancient adage that 'those that cannot do, teach'

because not only did she demand outstanding performance, she would demonstrate desired
techniques. Not many candidates met her stringent performance criteria.

"Memories of individual players fade fast, especially in a league that spans multiple

sectors. So at first no one noticed that Souza was the new offensive coordinator for an

unheralded expansion team, the Rheingold Thrashers. Who expected them to even have a

winning season?
"Well, people started paying attention immediately. An agressive, gambling defense that

had an astonishing ability to outguess their opposition, and Souza's combination of

elusive instinctive runners like she used to be and power runners like she became, either

left defenses flat footed or flat on their backs.
"Turnover ratio, time of possession and points scored were at end of season levels after

their homestand. Their visitors' tour was even more impressive, since they seemed to tune

out hostile crowd noises and threats at will.
"Souza even survived an attempt on her life during the sector playoffs."
<'...if you don't roll over, there will be trouble.'
Souza slowly stood up from her workstation and walked over to where the fixer sat.
'Get out.'
With a casual hand wave, a rather large, silent man moved into grappling range.
'You can roll over and make a lot of mercreds and good will or...'
'Your trained pet looks tough. Too bad I don't scare easy.'
'I guess you need a lesson in cooperation. Bruno?'
Bruno looked at Souza's halo of flaming red hair.
He licked his lips and tried to engage her in a bear hug. He never made a coherent sound

again, even while dying.>
"Souza's bare hand strangling of Bruno V made newspackets throughout the sector, and

guaranteed an overflow crowd along with extensive holocoverage for their championship game

against Shadow.
It could not be called a fair fight. A score of 73-0 in a championship game with two

talented teams indicates consummate on field skill, impeccable coaching, or someone's luck

has run out. This time it was all three.

"This is punishment added to training. Souza likes it that way."
(Her voice overlays training footage)
<Intense weightlifting with real metal plates and bars>
"Sensie rooms are a waste of time. They won't be worthwhile for another fifty years."
<blocking, tackling and evasion drills with trainees running a circuit of drill after

drill with lotek equipment and no time to rest>
"An expert system can't look into a recruit's face and tell she needs to give ten percent

extra on blocking drills to have a chance to make the team."
<Wind sprints while wearing weight vests, varying distances from ten to one hundred

"How can an expert system know when it's time to put the shake-and-bake on a free safety

who thinks you have low dexterity?"
<formations run the same play. Ten times at a minimum, sometimes twenty, occasionally

thirty times. Repeated until every participant performs their task perfectly>
Souza roams over the entire training area, her flame red hair still a wild halo,

occasionally grabbing a recruit and yelling "you're wrong!" then resetting the players and

demonstrating correct technique. Stances, blocking, cutbacks, receiving-she demonstrates

it all.

<Older Souza screaming as she runs full speed into another holocamera stand, then static>
"Some things never change."
CT rules

Yes. I have developed CT rules for Athletes, as well as pre-enlistment options, prodigies, college and draft. Just now getting into the year by year rules.