Ah, hadn't used it enough to notice. Got quickly tired of characters rarely making enlistment in a service and ending up as a Barbarian or Doctor or some such
Yeah, you mentioned that in your original post, so I didn't address it. But, I don't like the "draft" in the CT Utility including the careers from S4. That's another "author's preference" departure from the official CT rules.
Note that, under LBB1, failed enlistment means the character will be drafted into the Navy, Marines, Army, Scouts, Merchants, or Other career. The Other career, if you look at it, is really kind of an underworld type.
But, if you look at S4, those characters aren't required to use the draft after failed enlistment. Failed enlistment into the Belters doesn't mean the character has to participate in the draft. The character can just try another career.
These types of changes in the official rules
can make a difference. If they are included in a program, then they need to be included as
optional rules, allowing the official rules to be used unless the program user decides to go with an optional rule.