For a commercial design, I'd look at cutting running & maintenance costs to the bone. That means dropping the gunners, the turrets, the ships boat & the ship boats pilot.
I'd go further & subcontract out much of the maintenance work & cut the second engineer. The medic I would also drop, paying another crew member a bonus for cross training. The navigator is also largely redundent without any jump capability.
So I'd cut crew to two (Pilot & Engineer) whom can share a statreroom, perhaps adding a second stateroom for the second shift (12 hour shifts).
The computer I'd drop to a model 1 and I'd shrink the hull size to lose the 187 tons of cargo space, 32 tons saved in staterooms, 1 ton in computer space, 4 tons in hardpoints & 30 tons for the ships boat (total 254 tons shaved off) giving big savings in the hull costs (can't remember if this negatively affect drive outputs in LLB2 tho').
I'd also add a ton factor related to the size of the objects being "tugged", say 20% of the biggest object to be moved. Accounting for hull reinforcing, ruggedising, cables, winches, what-have-you. Cost? dunno, 1MCr/ton?
Not a great PC ship, but she will be pig ugly, sparten & specialised for job at hand. Who knows what a PC might do with one.
I'd go further & subcontract out much of the maintenance work & cut the second engineer. The medic I would also drop, paying another crew member a bonus for cross training. The navigator is also largely redundent without any jump capability.
So I'd cut crew to two (Pilot & Engineer) whom can share a statreroom, perhaps adding a second stateroom for the second shift (12 hour shifts).
The computer I'd drop to a model 1 and I'd shrink the hull size to lose the 187 tons of cargo space, 32 tons saved in staterooms, 1 ton in computer space, 4 tons in hardpoints & 30 tons for the ships boat (total 254 tons shaved off) giving big savings in the hull costs (can't remember if this negatively affect drive outputs in LLB2 tho').
I'd also add a ton factor related to the size of the objects being "tugged", say 20% of the biggest object to be moved. Accounting for hull reinforcing, ruggedising, cables, winches, what-have-you. Cost? dunno, 1MCr/ton?
Not a great PC ship, but she will be pig ugly, sparten & specialised for job at hand. Who knows what a PC might do with one.