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Cheapskate-class Subsidized Liner


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Built with Traveller5.

Subsidized Liner MK-AP01 Chiipskaat MCr 14 (MCr 11.2 in bulk)

Using a 100-ton, TL12 planetoid hull, the Chiipskaat-class Subsidized Liner is designed for passenger and freight service at a low price.

It mounts jump drive-A, maneuver drive-A, and power plant-A, giving a performance of jump-1. Though its generic maneuver drive is formally rated at 0G acceleration, it is fully capable of 0.5G, sufficient to travel to and from 100-diameter points. Fuel tankage supports a 1 parsec jump at 9t per parsec, and one month of power plant operations. There is no bridge; all controls are wired to a single console in a common hallway, adjacent to the Model/0 computer (which also sits in the hallway). Astrogators are required to perform jump calculations without validation by the ship's computer, although it can validate given enough time. Crew shares one bunked stateroom. There are 10 passenger staterooms and 14 low berths. Life support is sufficient for three weeks at full capacity; deviations from standard subsidized routes are not advised. Cargo capacity is 30 tons. The ship is incapable of entering an atmosphere, but may land on flat, cleared surfaces on vacuum worlds.

It has just about the most horrible sensor suite you can get, without having *no* sensors at all.

As listed, the ship is exactly 100 tons. Common modifications include adding grapples (MCr 2) capable of carrying up to 35 more tons. The payload is often a ship's boat, or a pod that can hold 35 tons of fuel or cargo (MCr 2). The resulting combination is an overtonned design (137 tons) that are at the limits of the drives' capabilities, requiring highly skilled personnel.

The ship typically has 1 crew: pilot/astrogator/engineer; the crew stateroom is capable of bunking four. It can carry up to 10 passengers in bunked staterooms, and 9 low passengers. The Chiipskaat is crowded for both crew and passengers alike; ticket prices are offered at a discount if there is any competition at all. The crew typically requires regular counseling during the week off-ship.

Crew comfort: -3
Passenger demand: -1

   Tons     Component                                MCr    Notes
-------     -----------------------------------    -----    --------------------
    100     Planetoid Hull, lifters, 1 a/l free        1    P, lifters, 1 a/l free
      0     AV=20. 1 Kinetic FeN                       0
      9     Jump Fuel (1  parsec)                      0    1 parsec jump, at 9t per parsec
    0.9     Plant Fuel (one month)                     0    one month
      2     Gen Maneuver Drive A (R0)                  2    R0
     10     Mod Jump Drive A (R1)                      5    R1
      4     Mod PowerPlant A (R1)                      2    R1
    0.5     Computer Model/0 std                     0.1
      1     Non-bridge Console                       0.2    Custom Console
      1     Life Support Standard                      1    10 person-months
    0.5     Crew Shared Fresher                      0.5    4 crew
      2     Crew Cramped                             0.1    4 crew
      4     Crew Commons                               0
     30     Cargo Hold Basic                           0
    4.5     9x Low Berth                             0.9    #9 1 passenger
     24     6x Passenger Commons                       0    #6
      1     Common Fresher                             1    10 passengers
      4     2x Stateroom Cramped                     0.2    #2 4 passengers
      2     Stateroom Double                         0.1    2 passengers
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