During the development of the lunar module for NASA's moon landings the astronauts discovered that the original circular hatch mounted on the side of the module intended for the astronauts to use to egress from the ship to the surface proved to be a PITA to use. Though built in a diameter "technically" big enough for the astronaut and his PLSS backpack to pass through the backpack almost always caught on the hatch. The solution Grumman made was to redesign the hatch into a square/retangular shape. Once incorporated into the LM the astronauts had very few episodes of catching the backpack on the hatch. On the top of the LM where it docks with the capsule that hatch remained circular since the astronauts were not wearing their excursion suits while transferring from capsule to the LM.
So what does this have to do with Traveller? In the deckplans that I've seen the hatches that are depiected for interdeck transit (ie going 'up' or 'down') are circular hatches. Since the PLSS in Traveller is shown to be retangular in shape then in all probablility the interdeck hatches in Traveller need to be square/retangular just like the lunar module was for the same reasons. And they need to be depiected on deckplans that way also so that new fans can see them. I'm not going to redo all the deckplans I've already posted on the internet but I will make the change in my drawing symbol catalogue for future deckplans.
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So what does this have to do with Traveller? In the deckplans that I've seen the hatches that are depiected for interdeck transit (ie going 'up' or 'down') are circular hatches. Since the PLSS in Traveller is shown to be retangular in shape then in all probablility the interdeck hatches in Traveller need to be square/retangular just like the lunar module was for the same reasons. And they need to be depiected on deckplans that way also so that new fans can see them. I'm not going to redo all the deckplans I've already posted on the internet but I will make the change in my drawing symbol catalogue for future deckplans.
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