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Civilian ranks and ratings - determining precedence in large crews

When I saw "Tenderfoot" I was expecting this:

0 Recruit
1 Tenderfoot
2 Second Class
3 First Class
4 Star
5 Life
6 Eagle
At some point, you have to grow up and take more responsibilities.

And tenderfoot always seemed to me more appropriate for the recruits.
Because even if there is nothing to "encounter" without a long amount of lead-time, someone needs to be there (or at least have telltales shunted to a portable pad-like device or something) to respond to any unexpected alarms or other warning/trouble lights that might pop-up unexpectedly.

Thus my point that commercial ships would require someone on duty at all times.

But this need is not reflected in the crew requirements in starship design rules, so we have to assume lots of automation. That alarm might have to wake me up. :)