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Classic Traveller as a TAS option


I appreciate your opening this forum. I am still trying to understand why all the questions are in one thread, but I am sure that will resolve over time.

It has been mentioned that Classic Traveller may be entering the TAS program allowing new content to be marketed, sold, and purchased as a license option.
I think this is an incredible possibility and one I would truly enjoy.
I am aware that lawyers take time, and money, and that nothing is promised until it actually happens.
Do we have a "best guess" as to your plans and the timeline of that?
It has been mentioned that Classic Traveller may be entering the TAS program allowing new content to be marketed, sold, and purchased as a license option.
I think this is an incredible possibility and one I would truly enjoy.
I am aware that lawyers take time, and money, and that nothing is promised until it actually happens.
Do we have a "best guess" as to your plans and the timeline of that?
I think this post will help new threads be made, thank you :)

It may not be that long for Classic Traveller to reach TAS.

We want to create a new Classic-variant TAS logo (not too long there), and templates for the covers so that Classic TAS books are easily recognised and differentiated (a little bit longer, and it means creating TAS Classic titles will be dead easy as you can simply change the colour and text).

We then need to reach out to every current TAS publisher who has 'aped' the Classic look on their current covers and ask them to change. To make this easy, we will likely create a non-Classic looking cover template for them to use if they so wish.

Give a month or so for those changes to be implemented, then we can go ahead and release the Classic TAS templates and you will all be good to go. Wanting to do all of this before the end of the year and, really, before the end of November at the latest.

So... start writing material now :)
I already started. I was actually just thinking about putting it out there as a fan project, but if I can help… We’ll see.