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Classic Traveller minus the Third Imperium

Canon is indeed a sometimes self-contradicting, not uncommonly error-prone, collection of published works. But it's not version dependent. Anything that can be considered canon for the 3rd Imperium setting has to be independent of versions; if it wasn't, it wouldn't work as canon.

Nope. GURPS. ;)

Even Mongoose Traveller 3I has differences from CT. The CT Spinward Marches UWPs do not match the Mongoose ones, for example. Then there are the version to version changes for nobility and Imperial law levels and related material. Add to that the differences in aliens - which are a part of the setting mixed into the post-CT rule sets. Ship specs change from version to version as well. Most of these are minimal, but they are still version dependent differences related to the setting.
Nope. GURPS. ;)
GT setting material had to adhere to previously published material unless TPTB specifically permitted retcons. Any GT detail about historical events is evidence for historical events in the OTU, and details set after the Change Point had to flow believably from earlier conditions.

Even Mongoose Traveller 3I has differences from CT. The CT Spinward Marches UWPs do not match the Mongoose ones, for example.
Those are known as retcons (Or mistakes ;)).

Then there are the version to version changes for nobility and Imperial law levels and related material.
Retcons. (What changes for nobility, BTW.? Plenty of additions in GT:Nobles, but not many changes that I can recall. There's the viscount, which Marc Miller specifically requested (though he must have changed his mind again later, because he didn't insist on them for T20 and MGT :confused:. Or perhaps he just forgot about them again.))

Add to that the differences in aliens - which are a part of the setting mixed into the post-CT rule sets.
Retcons. What changes, BTW?

Ship specs change from version to version as well. Most of these are minimal, but they are still version dependent differences related to the setting.
Technical specs are indeed version dependent. But the setting isn't. Characters with an Empress Marava in a CT adventure would still have an Empress Marava in any later adventures, regardless of the version. The ship the characters had in TTA they still have in BtC.

The thing is, you can take any of those setting changes introduced in later versions and use them with CT rules. Want to use all the information about nobles from GT:Nobles in your CT campaign? What's to stop you? Want to visit the Bwap homeworld? Grab a copy of GT:Alien Races 4 and use the information there. Sure, you'll have to convert any character you want to use from GT to CT, but without AR4 you would have to make them up from scratch.

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I took Canon settings like Reavers Deep, and then made them my own by massive changes to suit MY campaign.
Thanks again to everyone for their input. Been trying to pick up some of the older books to supplement ideas with. Really need to sit down and create some characters and a sector. I've got copies of a few old Apple II programs that Marc put out back in the day for Traveller. Might make use of those as well.

Ptah, you mentioned using Barlowe's Guide to Extra-Terrestrials, I've actually got that book. How did you translate it into Traveller usuable races? Again thanks to everyone, you're input is very much appreciated.
I've had a love-hate relationship with the 3I, which finally led me to abandon it. Fortunately, most Traveller stuff can be used in non-3I setting quite well.

Here are some links to my posts here about my non-3I setting:

Timeline http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=14183
Campaign Log http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=15098
Player Orientation Speech http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=11082
Commonwealth Starships http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=11099
Commonwealth Airmobile Infantry Battalion http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=18473

This setting is very different from the 3I -- no grav vehicles, for instance -- but it works just fine and uses mostly CT mechanics (plus my own CT mods).
I also have built several SF universes for games. My most recent one, for T5 has some 3I influences, but there are new rules for ships (they run on rechargeable energy cells, there is hyper drive in addition to jump drive), Mostly human universe, though there has been a lot of genetic manipulation in the past to create different types of humans (Wolven - sort of Vargr, heavy worlders, Olympians - some of which became sort of Zhodani, etc.).

Humans, several thousand years ago were marooned here, but luckily a forerunner race human-formed a huge number of planets, but nobody has figured out why.

It works for me.