Posted By Liam on Page 2...
"ANd in our case the losing party drew a laser weapon after a perceived breach of etiquette, and was subdued, secured, and medicated after losing the front half of his foot. The offended party deemed the duel not over; the challenger deemed it expedient to put the player's PC off the ship.
All of this done in character."
To call me a losing party would imply that I actually took part in a duel, and was not set upon by Pirates, which is the reality...
Actually, If you will check your log of the activity, you will find that I drew my Laser on the Teenager From Planet Elfquest AFTER she cut off my foot by "Slipping" It wouldnt have mattered anyway, because this NPC alien gets FOUR ATTACKS A ROUND* ... Which would have put her around 25th level... not bad for a 13 year old...
*During a boarding action, this creature attacked four guys and killed each one in one shot.
"Why? To avoid the bloodshed of a PC killing another PC. The challenged had in roleplaying, portrayed a noble second son who had by his own hand (and PC description) been set aside & sent elsewhere to cause no trouble at home. He had used his station as an excuse to get into/ out of trouble. He roleplayed it brilliantly! It also painted himself(the PC) into a corner."
Actually no, I was horrified that the aforementioned Teenager removed a man's EYE (in an overpowered action worthy of third grade gaming in its wantoness) during a simple activity that could have been handled with little to no force. I protested this, and got railroaded into this "Duel" by a Captain (and a NOBLE!) that was going native, and
Abusing his position.
"As you say Uncle Bob, the perceived concept of Honor is really a Status issue among peers. In the crunch, the challenged dithered and jabbered away, stalling, rather than see he had indeed boxed himself into a corner(some 45 minutes worth). Up until the time was called to "lay on" he was offered three chances to apologize, and back down.
IN Character, he refused to see he had offended the other party. His logic might have been faulty, aye. But it was HIS perception of the facts, vis a vis the perceived notionsof the offended/ challenger."
My "Dithering and Jabbering" was give the respect that this farce deserved, IE none. The Captain, Evidently a Marquis, basically commanded me to fight in a duel with him over a convienient "matter of honor" when the reality was that he merely wanted to get rid of me, as I talked to much. I doubt very seriously If I had won, the Captain's armed goons would have given me the keys to the ship... that and I never fight with shipmates no matter what, and certainly not in those circumstances...
"Boils down to the fact his life was spared despite his breaching of the rules of the duel, and was ordered off the ship (and out of game play). As the challenger is the captain of the ship, this was a direct order (Imp Navy)."
Boils down to a campaign where Might makes Right, and the funniest damn thing ive seen in a while... I've never been thrown out of a game before, And certainly not for playing TOO well...
"But then, we run a campaign of cause & effect. This is as unbiased as can relate it.(and I was the challenged party member's second)."
Hahahaha! hahahhahahaaa! Unbiased? The Referee let another PC get rid of another PC! I was accused of "limelighting" Actually the player that was the Captain didn't like me because I hadn't served in the military and typed to fast... He was basically a "Power Gamer" for whose kind, there is no dynamics or character development, only what sort of gun you have and how many bullets... Very tedious...
"The out of game repercussions...thats a different story. thanks for the topic! more later as we work this out."
Whats to work out? I played my character as he was designed and you guys couldn't deal, or were made to feel inadequate by not being able to think in three dimensions... Then displayed a contempt and a level of unfairness that was quite amusing, and very telling...
Glad to disappoint you.