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Colonial Illnesses


Alien environments pose many dangers, but usually local parasites and pathogens are not among them. The reason is that they tend to be highly host-specific, and hence either ignore or fail at infecting humans. The risk is however more subtle: organisms that are not dangerous or parasitic in their normal environment could have averse effects on humans. Many biochemicals also have allergenic or toxic effects. While initial surveys discover and solve the most clear problems (such as how to treat carcinogens in the Kimanjano air) there are always some species, places or vulnerabilities that are missed.


Paranoia des Marais
The BC “faux mosquito” (Pseudoaedes magherini (Beta Canum Venaticorum IV)) is a small biting insect in the equatorial regions that has about the same ecological niche as terrestrial mosquitoes. While not deriving any nutrition from human blood it still occasionally stings. One element in the injected saliva is a small peptide (“Söll’s peptide”, SP) that normally would keep a canumite animal’s blood from coagulating. In the human body it has similar effects as cholecystokinin (CCK), reducing the desire to eat, causing nausea and anxiety. The problem is that SP is broken down very slowly due to its dextro-amino acid content and tends to accumulate in the brain. People who get stung often (there are large individual variations in how appealing people are to the mosquito, and many do not notice the painless bites) grow increasingly worried and paranoid, sometimes developing delusions that someone is trying to poison their food. Treatment consists of CCK-antagonists and SP antibodies. An experimental multicenter vaccination program is underway on the British and German continents.

“Revenge of the Sushi”

Many species on Kanata use organic arsenic compounds in their biochemistry. This is not directly a threat: on Earth seafood naturally contain non-toxic arsenic compounds like arsenobentaine and arsenocholine. Kanata organisms however use more risky arsenosugars and other substances that can be metabolized into arsenous acid, which is highly toxic and carcinogenic. Eating local lifeforms hence requires avoiding certain species or parts (especially the central nervous and circulatory systems), as well as taking chelating supplements. The risk has been known since the earliest days, but many people are less cautious than they should be. Some extreme gourmets claim that the slight garlicky flavour due to the arsenic compounds (and no doubt the risk) actually make some local dishes extra delicious. Hence some people develop chronic arsenic poisoning (Arsenicosis kanatiensis), with symptoms such as hardened patches on the skin, changes in skin pigmentation, increased risk of lung, kidney and bladder cancer, liver injury, gangrene and anaemia. In a few cases of overeating, vulnerability or unusually toxic specimens can cause acute arsenic poisoning.

Dawnbright’s cirrhosis
There are some plants on Tirane that contain substances that have a long-term toxic effect in humans. Some fragrant plants contain 2-octynoic acid, which can cause an autoimmune reaction that hurts the liver. The symptoms are exhaustion, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss followed by increased weakness and occasionally jaundice and intensive itching. The condition is rarely fatal, but requires cloning a new liver. It is particularly common in older people with a long outdoors career, but occasionally a tourist proves especially sensitive to the substance (or just eats a toxic plant).

Allergic Reactions

Dunkelheim Lupus
The deserts of Dunkelheim are dusty, and people breathing in too much dust risk silicosis. However, a more serious problem is lupus triggered by crystalline silica dust and likely some organic coating of the particles due to the local fauna (the locals of blame it on the ubiquitous Kamelinsekten). Symptoms and treatment are similar to normal systemic lupus erythematosus: at a modern hospital immunomodulators and epistatic network reprogramming can cure it within a week. Unfortunately many victims are misdiagnosed or do not have access to modern medical care. There exist several similar forms of “environmentally induced SLE” on other worlds such as Aurore, Kingsland and Paulo; although likely due to different trigger chemicals the term Dunkelheim Lupus is widespread for the condition.

Arakawa’s Disease
Daikoku is a generally pleasant world, but certain environmental allergens can cause hypervalinemia (excessive levels of the amino acid valine in the blood). The allergens indirectly cause a block of valine transaminase and this prevents the amino acid from being metabolised. In adults this has minor effects such as lack of appetite, but in infants it is more serious, causing vomiting, dehydration, hypotonia and failure to thrive. In serious cases breakdown of other amino acids also become blocked and brain damage occurs. Once the cause was discovered a protective supplement was developed, and is now given to all infants on the planet. Some adult visitors to the planet also develop symptoms and are given the supplement.

Ellis panbronchiolitis
This is an inflammation of the bronchioles, apparently caused by something in the environment on Ellis. Most research suggests that it is an immune reaction, but genetic factors clearly play a role: people of Asian heritage have a higher risk (similar to diffuse panbronchiolitis). The symptoms are chronic bronchial and bronchiolar inflammation, leading to lesions in the lung, infection by opportunistic bacteria, overactive immune system (which sometimes causes other autoimmune diseases) yet lowered ability to resist certain infections. It does not respond to the treatments for diffuse panbronchiolitis, and the choice is either to drastically dampen the lung immune responses (making the sufferer vulnerable to other lung diseases) or leave Ellis. A new approach has been cloned transgenic lungs, but there are still some problems with making them both immunocompatible and resistant to the illness.

Parasite Diseases

Beowulf Baldness
A microorganism that normally parasitizes on local wildlife can spread to humans, infecting hair follicles. Apparently this is a close enough match to its natural environment for it to thrive, and human defensins are unable to handle its alien biochemistry. The result is a form of contagious baldness that can attack both the head and body: hair falls off in patches and the skin becomes inflamed. While highly embarrassing and contagious it is relatively simple to treat with a Beowulf-specific antibiotic. It has been known to spread rapidly among starship crews.

Han Shan Peptic Ulceritis
The low pH of the stomach is effective in killing most terrestrial pathogens, but organisms evolved at the acid environment of Cold Mountain are much more resistant to it. There are several strains of microorganism that can infect the stomach; most just cause a mild gastric upset, feelings of bloatedness and foul-smelling burps. One particular organism, Picrotaxus jibaoensis (Delta Pavonis I) causes gastric ulcers, with the classical symptoms of abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Medications usually consist of antacids and toxins specific for the local biosphere. Prognosis is good, but untreated the organism will start forming very hard bezoar-like structures (“stomach corals”) that can both be painful and cause other forms of ulceration.

Illness occurring on Heidelsheimat. The name is Texan, the Bavarians call it Schlangejucken. The formal name of the illness and the organism causing it is Xenotinea versicolor (Rho Eridani). Snakefinger can only affect people born on the planet: certain spores in the air apparently penetrate not just the lungs but end up in the lymph nodes and thymus, where the developing immune system is fooled into recognizing them as belonging to the body. This makes victims slightly more vulnerable to some terrestrial virus infections but in particular unable to resist a local soil fungus. The fungus spreads as a skin infection when the vulnerable person comes into contact with the fungus. The condition is itchy: while it tends to start in moist skin such as the groin, armpit or lips it often quickly spreads under the fingernails where it gives rise to the classic coloured “snake patterns” in the skin. It can also spread between people through sexual contact. Treatment with antibiotics is quite effective but the vulnerability remains. Among some locals being vulnerable (perhaps shown by some remaining pattern on the fingernails) is a sign that one is truly native.

Sung Bitterness
A microorganism from Stark, Haptoalveolata soosonkett (DM+4 123 III), apparently finds human saliva to be a good growth medium. This would be a minor concern if it had not produced primaquine, a strongly bitter-tasting substance once used as an antimalarial. In most patients the result is a strong, persistent bitter taste that gets worse after a meal, sometimes accompanied with nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, itching and headache. People who have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (one of the few genetic illnesses remaining) prolonged infection can lead to haemolytic anemia. The organism is common on Stark and any environment used by the Sung; people have contracted it simply by shaking hand with a Sung. Treatment consist of improved mouth hygiene, mouthwashes and Stark-specific antibiotics.
2320 is still in a rewrite, as I await Hunter. Can I use this, at least some of it, to add some added flavour? In fact, PM me, please. I'd like to talk to you about a couple of things. :)
While looking at the biochemistry of mirrored amino acids I found this paper: E H Man, and J L Bad, Dietary D-Amino Acids, Annual Review of Nutrition Vol. 7: 209-225 (Volume publication date July 1987)

Lots of interesting information there on their toxicity. It turns out that many bacteria use d-amino acids in their cell walls, and different insects, bivalves and plants can have up to a few percent. Also, normal l-acids racemize (that is, turn into a mixture of d and l) surprisingly quickly - on the timescale of days to months in proteins in the body. Normally they get recycled fast enough so that it doesn't matter, but in the human brain d-Aspartic acid can be as common as 3-10% in some myelin proteins!

In any case, this leads to the following conditions:

D-amino Indigestion

This condition occurs on planets such as Beta Canum where the local biosphere mainly uses d-amino acids instead of l-amino acids. While not directly toxic, proteins in local plants and meat can only be digested partially by human proteases. The result is that protein-rich "local" meals can cause serious cases of indigestion, especially since some stomach bateria can make use of the proteins causing diarrhea and flatulence. Medically the condition is of little concern on its own, since it is easily treated and the experience usually ensures that the sufferer does not try any local meal again.

However, some people adapt to it or use local organisms for flavoring, and this can lead to D-amino nephropathy. This is more common than caution would suggest, perhaps due to the infamous "adoucir de la Canum": D-phenylalanine and D-leucine block a carboxypeptidase that normally breaks down endogenous opioids. This may produce mellowness, insensitivity to pain or even a "high" in certain sensitive people, especially if they are already opiate-release drug users.

D-amino Nephropathy

D-amino acids in food are absorbed and then excreted mainly unchanged in the urine ("bubble bath piss" as BC colonists colloquially call it). This puts a strain on the kidneys that can lead to chronic kidney disease. Certain intermediary products like lysinoalanine are even more toxic. The early stages of the disease have no symptoms, but as kidney function starts to decline blood pressure increases and water is retained. As it progresses appetite declines, nausea, malaise, headaches, frequent hiccups, generalized itching, until the person suffers full Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) with attendant cardiovascular problems. Treatment usually consists of replacing the damaged kidneys with cloned kidneys and ensuring the patient keeps a l-amino acid diet.

de Tournefort-Beaupré Encephalomyelitis

People who live in a d-amino acid rich environment pick up amino acids all their life, but most get removed or recycled. However, some become incorporated in long-lasting proteins in the nervous system, especially the myelin sheathing of neurons. This does not normally cause a problem, but in some it leads to a neurodegenerative illness. It can be triggered by infections, vaccinations, trauma or implanted cybernetics, starting an autoimmune reaction that attacks myelinated nerves and the brain. The symptoms start 1-4 weeks after the trigger with fever, headache and drowsiness. They rapidly worsen to seizures and coma within a few days. Rapid treatment with corticosteroids and other antiinflammatory medications is needed, followed with immune tuning. The earlier the condition is identified the better the outcome, but minor disabilities are common (>50%) and the mortality is 10%. Motor disabilities can range from mild clumsiness to ataxia and hemiparesis, and cognitive deficits (lowered IQ, attention problems, memory problems) are often seen.

As an historical note, neural sheathing methods were originally developed by researchers trying to counteract or repair the damage wrought by this disease.
not all of the alien micro-organisms need to be immediately good or bad ..... at chernobyl they have apparently found radiation photosynthesising fungi

<Canadian colony> flare fungus

This common fungal spore has probably infected most of the population at one stage or another but is usually benign in most people most of the time. People with very sensitive skin report the most fungally affected patches turning a splotchy red color that itches in direct sunlight.

It is only during flares that the fungus becomes dangerous and potentially lifesaving. The stronger flare radiation becomes the worse the itching becomes as the fungus grows explosively and releases its spores ..... a full body case of eczyma symptoms that absorbs a lot of the more dangerous radiation.
Another beneficial infection is a Nibelungen version of Noble rot: the Nibelungen Valkyrie Mold.

It was discovered when Bavarian agronomists were experimenting with various terrestrial tree varieties, trying to find cultivars that could adapt to the environment. They found that the Service Tree (Sorbus domestica, ge. Speierling) did well in some regions, but the fruit become attacked by mold. The mold Botrytobacterium sanger (which strictly speaking is a form of colonial bacterium not unlike terrestrial slime molds) attacks the fruit, covering the surface with polygonlike scales and making it over-ripen quickly to a very sweet taste. Remembering the use of the fruit in traditional German cider the agronomists invented the Valkyrie Apfelwein. It is an excellent, sweet cloudy cider that has an unusual cinnamon-spicy taste due to the mold.

Since the discovery a number of orchards and breweries have grown on Nibelungen. Since quarantine restrictions prevent the export of the mold or moldy fruit, the cider can only be manufactured locally. Many locals regard the cider the proper national drink of the planet. The beer-drinkers loudly dispute this; humorous quarrels over the matter are a popular pastime at bierstubes. The only thing that can unite the fractions is their shared disapproval of the people who drink the "Bembelschlabber" mixture of beer and cider.
Instead of a Gear Book, the next book is going to be called something like "The 2320AD Companion". It will include some weapons and gear, but will go into a great deal more detail about life in 2320AD. So it will include sections on life in the Core, life in the Frontier, diagrams of outposts, frontier farming station, asteroid mining camp, and a Core city block. It will include diseases, cybernetics, NPCs, sports, life styles and expenses, and a small bestiary. Maybe a couple of vehicles, specific to described locations.
Instead of a Gear Book, the next book is going to be called something like "The 2320AD Companion". It will include some weapons and gear, but will go into a great deal more detail about life in 2320AD. So it will include sections on life in the Core, life in the Frontier, diagrams of outposts, frontier farming station, asteroid mining camp, and a Core city block. It will include diseases, cybernetics, NPCs, sports, life styles and expenses, and a small bestiary. Maybe a couple of vehicles, specific to described locations.

This is excellant news Colin. More than the 2320 core rules, this book sounds like the one most of us fans would like to have for just the background details that could be provided by it.
Thanks for the update, Colin. And Kudos to all those who have posted the wonderful treatises! Certainly food for thought in the upcoming 2320 AD Companion. I'm sure everyone agrees that source material for the setting is what's most appreciated.