Newpenton (2721 Deneb) 203-1899
Her excavations were done.
It's not here.
As Jana sat in the ancient mass grave, she felt rather than heard the ship set down. Yowling barks. The Uekhaz dialect.
Might as well fly a pirate flag.
Her ship, the
Cengashu, was maybe 50 meters away, dwarfed by Kurukhash ruins nearly ten times its height. 50 meters across open ground. She paused, compact laser pistol unholstered, peering out of the pit. She ran.
Wavy reflections of starlight, twinkling in broken blocks of 75,000 year old crystalliron. Across the field - there. Next to the crocodilian Face of Soqieqe, carved into the hillside. A small starship, complete with deployable "
fang" sensors. And a lone Vargr. He's close enough. She slowed to a walk. Pointed her pistol.
Four shots. The Vargr fell.
More strident yowling. Two furred pirates emerged, laser pistols drawn. They spotted her quickly.
Not quick enough. Two more shots, and one of them fell. A beam sizzled by her left ear.
A panicky shot. She dove for light underbrush, knocking her breath out. The next beam was where her torso would have been a few seconds ago. She aimed. Another beam was shy by a meter.
Two more shots. The Vargr, distracted by pain, shot wild. Four more shots and he was down too.
Careful now. She slowly edged closer.
Soon, three Vargr bodies lay cooling in the ruins.
Jana Humbolt finished the distance to the
Cengashu, which was already powering up its engines. As it lifted, she input distant coordinates directly into the strange-looking jump drive. 100 diameters later, her ship was gone.
Kuran saw the bodies first. Vargr, pocked with laser burns. A fatal but cauterized attack. Bloodless, in a way. Lis looked ill; Rej blanched. "Dead three weeks, maybe", Kuran remarked. "Pirates."
Rej looked at Kuran quizzically. "How can you tell?"
Kuran shrugged. "They always are."
Lis glared at him, muttering something in Gvegh.
"They speak mostly Aekhu here," said Kuran blandly.
By now, Rej had recovered his composure, already examining the looters' trenches in the ruins. "Someone was looking for something," he said, "and left a lot of perfectly good artifacts here."
"And killed people," Lis added. Kuran snorted.
Ult Disp Laser Pistol-17, 0.83 kg, R=4, B=-3, Burn-5 Pen-2 , Cr 210