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Combat Report #1 (Feb 2015)


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
This is from some playtesting I did in February. Did I post this already?


Two characters shot at each other from a bit over 100 meters apart (R=3) with Standard Assault Rifles (TL8).

The Templar (C+S=12) was wearing a Vacc Suit with Ar=12. He has a Tactics mod of +16 for this combat session. At Range 3, this pretty much guarantees one hit per round.

The Thief (C+S=15) was wearing a Standard Vacc Suit with Ar=10. He does not have Tactics skill.

Both of them were standing in the open, High Noon-style.

If combat was conducted with, say, eight guys on a side, it would be hard to keep track of things. Although, the Knockdown rule helps reduce the number of conscious combatants each round. Which is a good thing.


Templar fired two shots, using the Tactics Mod on the second shot. The second shot hit. The rifle does two types of damage:

  • Burn-3, resulting in 6, 6, and 2, Left Arm. Armor for the Left Arm was gone for the duration. The 2 was applied against a random characteristic -- the Thief's Strength.

  • Blast-2, resulting in a 3 and a 2, a graze, no effect -- not enough to overcome armor or Knockdown the target.

Thief shot next. He fired two shots, both of which hit:

  • Hit 1:
    • Burn-3 was 10 points, no effect.
    • Blast-2 was 9 points, no effect, and not enough for a Knockdown.
  • Hit 2:
    • Burn-3 was 11 points, no effect.
    • Blast-2 was 7 points, no effect.

Templar put his Tactics Mod on the first shot, which hit. Damage:

  • Burn-3. Rolled a 6, 4, 4. Roll for location = Right Arm. 4 more points to a random location -- Strength again.

  • Blast-2 didn't penetrate armor and wasn't enough for Knockdown.
Thief scored two hits.

  • Hit 1:

  • Burn-3 didn't penetrate armor.
  • Blast-2 was 6,4 - not enough to penetrate armor, but greater than Templar's DEX, so he suffers KNOCKDOWN for 1D-2 = 1 round.

  • Hit 2:
    • Burn-3 is 6, 4, 3 - location is Right Arm. Enough to nullify the armor on the Right Arm for combat, but not enough to do damage.
    • Blast-2 is another 10 points, so Templar once again suffers KNOCKDOWN for 1D-2 = 2 more rounds.

Templar is unconscious for 3 rounds, which means he basically lost.
Hi Rob -- thanks for posting this.

Regarding Knockdown, and this is for my own clarification, can the rule be compressed to the following?

If you suffer more damage than your Dex score, regardless of the armor you're wearing, you also suffer Knockdown and are rendered unconscious for 1d-1 rounds.

Would you mind providing a page citation for Knockdown and its effects for me? Using Dex to determine if a character is rendered unconscious seems wrong to me. I'd prefer Endurance.
Hi Rob -- thanks for posting this.

Regarding Knockdown, and this is for my own clarification, can the rule be compressed to the following?

Would you mind providing a page citation for Knockdown and its effects for me? Using Dex to determine if a character is rendered unconscious seems wrong to me. I'd prefer Endurance.

I think the idea is similar to knock-back from champions.

It uses dex, because that is your "balance" stat. Damage higher than your dex knocks you over with such force that you are more "winded. disoriented, rendered hors-de-combat" than actually knocked out/blacked out. Remember, it doesn't say the stat is zero'd, in which case I would agree that it should be End, just that you are knocked over.

But yes, I would also like a page reference for this effect.
Page 176, snuggled into a small paragraph on the right hand side: Knockdown B D F X

Thanks. Clearly states stunned. Stunned does not mean unconscious. So I am guessing my previous description of winded, disoriented, rendered hors-de-combat is probably closer to the actual state of the character.

1d-2 rounds isn't horrible, especially if you have squad mates to cover you while you get your sh...ah...STUFF together.