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Marc sent a birthday present...


It's the 2E LBBs, in a single 6x9 squarebound softcover, with the errata in the back...
The items with errata have an annotation in the margin of the page number for the errata.

Mark's signature is more readable than on my T4 hardcover ... :)



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How is this (save perhaps for the errata) different from the earlier softbound 3 volume set that they sold for, what, $10?
How is this (save perhaps for the errata) different from the earlier softbound 3 volume set that they sold for, what, $10?

Since I've never seen the QLI consolidated book, I can't compare.

What I can say: any point in the book which has errata, there's a margin note with the page number to check the errata, and the errata is in the back.

Why I say it's 2E: all weapon damages whole dice, PP must equal or exceed MD and JD.
Classic Traveller has a 2nd Edition? I'm confused.

1st edition was the 1977 printing and (AFAIK) the GW UK edition. Many weapons are dice+adds damage. JD doesn't require a PP. Computers have to be able to run the jump program; this means J6 can be done on a model 1/bis if you have a course cassette. (Navigate takes 2, Jump 6 takes 2.)

The 1981 and later US printings from GDW have several differences. The biggest changes being that all weapons now have a just a dice rating, no adds, JD now requires PP, the computer must have a rating no less than the Jump number, or Jump Number -1 for a bis model (so the 1bis can only support J2), different encounter tables for ships...

It was not announced as a second edition, but it made enough changes to definitely be one. There are further minor changes in The Traveller Book. and it's sometimes noted as CT2.1, and Starter Traveller has further very minor changes, as well, being essentially 2.2
1st edition was the 1977 printing and (AFAIK) the GW UK edition. Many weapons are dice+adds damage. JD doesn't require a PP. Computers have to be able to run the jump program; this means J6 can be done on a model 1/bis if you have a course cassette. (Navigate takes 2, Jump 6 takes 2.)

The 1981 and later US printings from GDW have several differences. The biggest changes being that all weapons now have a just a dice rating, no adds, JD now requires PP, the computer must have a rating no less than the Jump number, or Jump Number -1 for a bis model (so the 1bis can only support J2), different encounter tables for ships...

It was not announced as a second edition, but it made enough changes to definitely be one. There are further minor changes in The Traveller Book. and it's sometimes noted as CT2.1, and Starter Traveller has further very minor changes, as well, being essentially 2.2

Ah, OK, that makes sense. Thanks for the detailed explanation, Aramis.

I would definitely be interested in this for historical purposes.
Since I've never seen the QLI consolidated book, I can't compare.

I didn't think QLI did it, I thought it was an FFE thing.

Am I mistaken?

Back in the day, FFE reprinted the 8 books (and maybe the adventures). Originally they were printed not as LBB, but as wide, "two pages per page" books.

But there was one "Big LBB" bundle of the first 3, and I thought it was only $10 at the time. Perfect bound, 5x8 LBB sizes, just...thicker. Very cute. I should have picked one up.
Ah, OK, that makes sense. Thanks for the detailed explanation, Aramis.

I would definitely be interested in this for historical purposes.

Having looked at DTRPG... this particular volume is not yet available... I think Marc sent me a proof copy...
It should be available soonish...
Having looked at DTRPG... this particular volume is not yet available... I think Marc sent me a proof copy...
It should be available soonish...

It will be interesting to take a look at. I primarily play MGT2, as I prefer the updated scientific environment for my science fiction, but I like reading the older stuff for both ideas and historical purposes.
Ok, I didn't know QLI had the reprint rights for the LBB.

Same with the other volumes? That was all QLI?
No. FFE did the big floppy books, QLI did the LBB1-3 reprint with a new nifty cover (it is interesting to note which LBB1-3 books they scanned for this edition :)).
I do love my BFBs (big floppy books) but man, that looks pretty sweet, especially considering the inclusion of errata. Illustrated by chance?

Happy Belated, Aramis - thanks for sharing!
Late to the party. Sorry.
Now, just to be clear (for us dim-witted Hivers), is this the exact same 1981 3-LBB text as the paperback release a decade or so back with the (awful) picture of the Vargr in the member's only jacket brandishing a pistol?
Was it a bad depiction of a Vargr, or a good one spoiled by the inclusion of a Members Only jacket?