• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

T5 Status, 7/30/2014

could there be a GM screen in the works?

Well, on the GM screen thread we could start listing what we'd like to see on one produced by FFE. Suggest and prioritise?

I haven't had much time this last week, and have been preparing background material for a new player to the OTU, but I plan on adding some more elements to my screen pages so will update as soon as I can what I've put up on that thread.
Knowing that what I'm asking about is 'future' and 'tentative' and that things are subject to change since modifications to the personal combat rules are still being nailed down; is there any word on what is next? Starships? System generation? Character creation?

Don's got a List. I know starships are in that List, including starship combat.
What an update! The developments in TPCS sound very encouraging, I'm looking forward to seeing the new system. Thanks heaps DonM for the update, and to The Chosen Five for the hard work. I ran some experimental combats with TPCS and started coming across practical problems as well, glad to hear hard work has been put in to improve it.
I've had some recovery problems this week. Let me get with Marc and get another update up.
I think Don is still recovering. The reason I think this is because when he's firing on all cylinders, everyone is hopping.