I wonder about some of the other parts - like starship design. Any one mismatched game statistic can be worked around (like adjusting skill levels) but too many mismatches and it quickly stops being worth the effort.
Believe it or not, I actually said nice things about the starship design system in MGT.
I could easily see using it more or less intact for CT.
It was pointed out to me later that the MGT playtest starship design system was virtually identical to the system MM has proposed for T5. And the things that I did complain about turned out (inevitably, it seems) to have been added by the designers of MGT.
C'est la vie
BUT...the starship combat system may be one of the most poorly-conceived, sloppily-executed, half-arsed attempts to duplicate
Star Fleet Battles that I've ever seen. And that's just the (alleged) power management system. When wedded to the completely inappropriate initiative sequence, the results invoke laughter and pity. Starships--especially ones without intertialess drives--simply don't move the way that system would have them move. At the absolute minimum, this kludge (if it makes the final cut into the printed product) competes with Avalon Hill's
Luftwaffe as my personal choice for the worst designed game system ever.
I can't think of any other parts of MGT that would be worth adding to another game.
Breathless praise notwithstanding, I found the MGT character generation system to be workmanlike, but nothing to write home about. Honestly, I am perplexed by the adoration it receives. While it's adequate, I don't think it's noticeably superior to CT Book 1. OTOH, it isn't noticeably
inferior to CT Book 1 (other than survival rolls being too high for some careers), though. And that's a boast that most of the MGT systems can't make IMHO. But unfortunately, the MGT system may break the basic 2d6 task system by yielding too many skills on average.
The combat sequence, even if you like fiddly, unintuitive, and obtuse systems, does nothing that Snapshot or Azhanti High Lightning don't do better. And those games actually produce reasonable outcomes. EDIT--Mongoose has made a vague statement that the timing will be dropped and effect "redefined"--whatever that means. While eliminating the timing roll (and presumably replacing it with a fixed cost in initiative pips) will modestly improve the system, it's still not a very good model of skirmish combat, nor will it be useful for actions involving lots of folks. So it seems to me that a lot more than "redefining" effect and eliminating timing would be required.
I have no idea if EDG's quioxitic attempt to remake the world generation sequence was accepted. If so, it might be worth a look for those who dislike the existing CT system. Since I generally detail my worlds as I need them, I haven't found the CT mainworld generation system to be a problem. YMMV.
The less said about the damage and armor system the better. Mongoose claims that this has been changed...we'll see.
The timing and effect system's flaws have been examined in detail. Hard to see why anyone would use that task system over MT's system, for instance. Or, for that matter, any number of house rule task systems. And it's unclear just how extensively Mongoose has overhauled the timing/effect system. I'd ditch it completely, of course. But if the loss of face is too great, making it truly optional would achieve the same result in my opinion.
The playtest starship economic system was badly defective; I am not optimistic that this got magically fixed in the month after playtesting ended.
Animal encounters are handled adequately by CT; hard to see any significant room for improvement there.
Weapons lists are useless for other versions of Traveller unless conversion guidelines are offered. And idunno...does Traveller really need more weapons lists? (And I ask this as a firepower-heavy Referee...)
MGT might have some new gadgets, but I'll be shocked if there's anything significant and new. And poorly considered gadgets can dramatically change canon, so I'm not filled with optimism on this point. That said, I did not pay much attention to gear in the playtest rules, so I could be wrong.
So I think that the rules themselves are likely to yield little that is useful, other than the starship design system. And you can get that in T5, so it's hard to rationalize buying MGT just for that.
Adventures, of course, are a different matter. Even if CT (or MT or T4 or TNE) stats are not provided, most competent referees can handle the job. Of course, including CT stats would be most appreciated and (I believe) a good marketing move. Betcha Mongoose doesn't do it...
Supplements, same as adventures in my thinking.
But what if the MGT adventures and supplements make dramatic changes to established Traveller canon? Will these be greeted enthusiastically by many CT fans? I dunno, but I doubt it.
My USD$0.02...