We have no such provision for conventional space combat in the core rules. Starcruiser presents such a mechanic for large scale stutterwarp engagements but anything closer/slower is considered immobile and just a microscopic part of one hex.
I believe we need a scale to work with, approprate stats for thrust and attitude (perhaps a simplified vector movement system aka. ) and ranges for sensors and weapons at this scale of combat. Then of course there is the matter of the damage crossover between starships and vehicles, which is the topic of another thread.
You can just adopt the TNE combat and design system for this. FF&S has rules integrating Stutterwarp with normal ships. FF&S has rules for SW in general, and the rest of the ship is the same, just pick an appropriate tech level for 2300 to build power plants, etc. This handles all the other "what if I shoot my tank at the ship" questions as well.
Pretty sure, long term, if they decided to do anything, GDW would have ported 2300 to the "house" rule set. But FF&S should let you work with any of the 2300 tech, and you can just drag and drop personal weapons (rifles, pistols, knives) from TNE to 2300. Basically, just using TNE rules on top of the 2300 background. How much did the original 2300 inspire the house rules system anyway? There's definitely a heritage there.
Obviously ships designed this way won't be compatible with stock designs, but you can try and re-design stock designs with FF&S and see what happens.
The FF&S rules don't have any considerations for weapons. They hit or don't like anything else, they don't take into account any affect the flicker might have.