I'd say #3 looks right to me, and also feels right at least for main passageways within a starship.
The smallest corridor #4, is what I'd imagine most access passaways would look like, and maybe even a little smaller. More of a tube with zero-g to aid in access.
Corridors #1 and #2 I would imagine are examples of access points to cargo loading areas and the corridors in main areas of luxury liners.
As to what's on the walls. I think the emergency design would be for zero-g. If the ship is hurt and damaged power for gravitics may be out. So I would imagine a series of smooth rungs along the side so one could pull yourself down the corridor. If rigging the ship to make it harder to board, one might "batten down the rungs" (push them into the wall) and evacuate the corridors all to make it harder to move quickly.
Design wise I'm not a big fan of too much stuff sticking out, but I do liek the idea of the corridor walls have metal grates so one can easily see the functional bits set in the walls (for a quick visual inspection) and simply pull the grate to remove for repair. Following this tangent further

, I'd imagine the grates and everything else that can be, is made of lightweight plastics/composites. The grates may be made of a slightly magnetic plastic so you could pop it out and stick it to the wall to keep it out of the way.
Lastly on the BD issue. I don't know the T20 stats but your last picture and the ones in the link Sigg provided are more along the ideas of what BD is to me. As you mentioned in the last picture the weapons would be shorter for boarding actions. On grenades and such in a clsoed space, if "weak" enough the BD trooper should be fine, it's the lightly or poorly armored civilian or pirate that will be in trouble. Finally, on how tight it is and one trooper getting in the way of another. Well that is why boarding troops are the best of the best. It takes extreme amounts of training to provide a coordinated assault in such tight corridors without shooting your buddy. One advantage Marines (or players with 2 ex-Marines) have over pirates.
There could also be technological aids, sensors in the weapon that don't let you shoot your buddy for example.
Almost forgot, excellent images by the way.