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General Could spray coating for water proofing be protection against other things?

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
I was wondering, I have a spray coating for my camping tent at home. It has worked great over the years and gives a nice barrier if it rains.

I'm wondering what it could be used for in Traveller.

Could I waterproof clothing?

Can I spray it on a VACC suit to provide more protection from... whatever? Extra protection from space germs or even Insidious atmosphere?

What about spraying it on a Gauss gun? Would it make a difference?

I know weapon degradation isn't mentioned in adventures like Shadows, but you'd think there would be some effect to equipment.

I'm just wondering what it could work for.

What do you think?


Also, flexible enough molecule bonds that allow bending without cracking the coating.

Environmentally coating the gauss gun with a spray is going to be a temporary solution, depending on conditions and wearing.
I think you can have any number of spray coatings for objects depending upon the potential environment and use cases.

One of the things Traveller equipment doesn't get into is if you are working with a smaller range of environmental conditions, you can optimize the equipment differently (lighter, easier to use, cheaper).

So spray coating of flexible material for repelling water of pH 5-8 and temperature range of -10c to 40c seems like a really useful thing on many worlds. But if your outside has falling water of the pH 1-4 and temperatures of 50c-70c you probably need a different coating chemical.

Nano-diamond seems to be a favorite SF buzzword. A thin layer of a single artificial diamond bonded to the surface of whatever you're dealing with. Not very flexible, but chemically inert, resistant to normal wear, what's not to like.
Simplistic wear check, roll TL or under for avoiding failure. Vary the period check for year/month/week/day based on usage rate and condition, or situational/quality/mainenance cost DMs.

That simulates all the little things that improve including design, better overall understanding of physics, automation improving quality, material sciences and yes coatings.
T4's Milieu 0 has a section on "Poverty at TL 12". It mentions that those wall sized tv screens are in fact "spray painted" on and not part of the wall itself. Hopefully, it says, the coating was re-applied recently on your low income apartment if the landlord was nice.
Hopefully, it says, the coating was re-applied recently on your low income apartment if the landlord was nice.
That's a nice bit of scene color. "I entered the apartment. It smelled of lost time. The furniture was beaten down, the carpet faded. The walls were dingy with age, and you could see where the WallViewer had nicks and scratches, revealing the paint underneath."
Poverty varies from region to region, and even individually.

As regards monitor screens, or whatever form television takes, we will likely have wall tiles, if only for image consistency and quality control.

The spray on part would be more to act as a projection screen for a laser projector, and even then, considering the imperfections of wall surfaces, it's more likely to be some cheap extendible material.
You can certainly make clothing waterproof, fire resistant, etc., but it comes at a price.


Those are fire resistant jeans. They're coarse, stiff, and uncomfortable to wear. But they won't burn. Stuff like Goretex rain gear will repel water but that comes at a price too.

So, in the future, you can easily have clothing that is waterproof, fire resistant or proof, even bullet resistant. The thing in terms of the game is what these things cost and how common are they.
You can certainly make clothing waterproof, fire resistant, etc., but it comes at a price.
Of course when it’s done on the cheap it’s not usually pretty.

I remember many years ago there were rumours in the British Army about the combat 95s melting when exposed to hexy flame. Regardless of the truth I know a number of people who treated it as gospel truth.

I imagine in the various Traveller militaries there’s a number of similar rumours going around about various bits of kit. Like people won’t trust vacc suits around certain narrow corridors because they think it’ll catch even if there’s no actual evidence of this happening.
Of course when it’s done on the cheap it’s not usually pretty.

I remember many years ago there were rumours in the British Army about the combat 95s melting when exposed to hexy flame. Regardless of the truth I know a number of people who treated it as gospel truth.

I imagine in the various Traveller militaries there’s a number of similar rumours going around about various bits of kit. Like people won’t trust vacc suits around certain narrow corridors because they think it’ll catch even if there’s no actual evidence of this happening.
One of the things I liked about the original CT vacc suits was cloth armor protection- precisely to avoid getting life threatening cuts on snagging with especially ship damage, much less bullets and blades.
CU researchers work with gelatin to create fibers that could help reduce waste from "fast fashion"

Researchers at a lab at the University of Colorado Boulder are working on creating a new textile from gelatin that may help reduce waste from fast fashion and other traditional textiles.

CU researchers work with gelatin to create fibers that could help reduce waste from "fast fashion"

Researchers at a lab at the University of Colorado Boulder are working on creating a new textile from gelatin that may help reduce waste from fast fashion and other traditional textiles.

This reminds me of some old sci-fi I read (it might have been fluff from a game book or a novel I can’t remember) where people (of the lower classes) could buy clothes from small stores and vending machines that they could return to the machine or store to be recycled once the clothing was too worn. Was used to make uniforms for factory workers iirc.

I believe it was implied in the narrative that the better sort had fantastically expensive clothing made from actual cotton, wool and leather…