What programs (if any) allow you to create sector/subsector maps via graphical interface instead of just displaying .sec file data?
What I am looking for is a way to get a graphical blank subsector/sector map and add systems, routes, borders and such using the mouse. It would then create the data, and allow you to export .sec files (and border and route files), to use in other utilities.
Just using a mapping utility is useless, since I can't get data from it.
I wonder if Universe II will have a feature like that. Hemedian?
Traveller Universe ... I think it's still available from BITS in the UK. Works like a champ on XP but don't know about Vista / Windows 7.
Actually, the current release of Universe (1.7) does half of what you want. If you drill down to a subsector (in Referee mode) there is a maintenance function to add/remove systems. Adding systems this way does NOT generate the UWP but you can then manually set the UWP for each new system. Basically when you add systems this way you can think of them as ‘place holders’.
And Universe 1.7 can export data too. In SEC format, HES format, or whatever. But those formats don’t carry data on borders or xboat links.
Universe 1.7 will run on Vista Ultimate but very clunk-ily and is not recommended. Basically, you have to run it in compatibility mode AND have IBconsole open at the same time. Universe 1.7 does NOT run on Vista Home Premium.
I don’t know about running Universe 1.7 on Windows 7 but as Vista is actually WinNT 6, and Windows 7 is WinNT 6.1, I’d guess it would be similar?
What gets exported if I manually add systems? Just the name and location in .SEC format, if that's what I choose for export?
Not such a big deal I guess. If it doesn't work on Win7 I can VM XP.
It sounds like you could take this, populate it with UWPs using your other utility, then reimport it back into Universe where you'd add borders and xboat links.
I make no garantees about that. Universe 1.7 uses a database engine called InterBase, and relies on an ODBC driver, DSN entries, and registry entries to work. I've not used VM, how much of XP is actually VM'd?
I Universe 1.7 uses a database engine called InterBase, and relies on an ODBC driver, DSN entries, and registry entries to work. I've not used VM, how much of XP is actually VM'd?
I've just run a little test:
- First I needed to create an empty sector. I took a pre-existing SEC file and removed all the system lines in notepad (leaving just the header). This I imported into a Universe database.
- Next I opened a new sector window, and from there opened a new subsector window. I selected the maintenance function for add/remove systems and added several new systems.
Yeah, that confuses a lot of people. Put it down to a design flaw from years ago.
Universe can import/export in its native TUX format or in any number of flat file formats. Each flat file format is defined by a parameter file with an IEL extension. Universe ships with several IEL files but you can write your own too. The ‘problem’ is that Universe doesn’t register those IEL files automatically, you have to use TUManager to ‘register’ them ... thereafter you can import or export sectors in those formats from within the main program. (I’ll also warn you that Universe is very picky over the headers when importing.)
Once you have your sector loaded you can use the maintenance functions within the main program to tweak the results. Usually this includes ‘colouring in’ the empty hexes so borders are continguous and adding xboat links.
One thing I have noticed is that after an import, none of the worlds show the cool world graphics on the subsector window until I open up the Maintenance-UWP window for that world. Not a biggie since I touch almost all of the worlds to add stars and make other UWP edits.
The only really thing that bugs me (and it hasn't been that big of a deal so far) is that I have to export to edit the Trade Codes, and then import again, but I understand that part was never added.
All in all this is a really good program and totally worth the $$.