SOC-14 1K
So, first the example. Note the commentary near the end about the *number* of criticals inflicted, as this is my question.
A PGMP-15 hit is scored against standard Battledress and the damage rolled: 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Against the Battledress presented in the T20 rulebook, the five lowest dice are removed because of the vehicle adjustment (which is five dice when the weapon is "people" scale vs a vehicle). This still leaves the ten levels of actual armor. Four of these are accounted for by removing four more dice, leaving the 18. On the last die, pips are removed, so the last six levels of armor reduce the hit to 12 points of damage. Note that the battle Dress has 25 SI, so the shot has stripped it of half it's equivalent of hit points. Nothing on the suit has *failed* yet, however...
Now the rest of the fire-team opens up. Being "Book 4" Marines, they all have Gauss Rifles, and feel that an opening act of full-auto fire is called for. For Gits and Shiggles, two of the three manage to hit, one of them with a critical hit, having focused their full-auto power on damage instead of coverage. A Gauss Rifle on full-auto (allocated to damage) does 5d12.
The normal hit produces the dice: 11, 9, 7, 5, 3. The low four dice are removed, along with 11 pips, so no damage from this one.
The critical (and if we were sadistic or going in a particular order, this one could be first) does 7d12 (because the autofire dice aren't doubled, only the base 2d12) and *ignores* the armor rating but not the size adjustment. The dice produce 12,10, 8, 6, 6, 4, 2, for a total of 22 points inflicted straight to the SI of the battledress (of which it had only 13 remaining), shutting down the battledress (by inflicting more than it's base SI) and incidently inflicting at least 2 rolls on the critical hit chart (Yes, the rules are a bit unclear here, but you get one roll for the critical hit and at least one for the excess damage after the SI hits zero). If either of those rolls cascades to the wearer, he's toast, with 22 points of damage inflicted with no armor to save him.
For those of you with the textbook, references are on pages 150, 151, 163-165, 168, 175-176, the weapons table on page 200, and the Battledress writeup on page 286.
The problem is the comment in the advanced rules about breaking SI down to individual components level, but *nowhere* providing guidelines for how this is done for vehicles. Also he have the question of how to "carry over" excess damage after SI is overcome. Is each spot on the chart 1 point, or some other number?
A PGMP-15 hit is scored against standard Battledress and the damage rolled: 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Against the Battledress presented in the T20 rulebook, the five lowest dice are removed because of the vehicle adjustment (which is five dice when the weapon is "people" scale vs a vehicle). This still leaves the ten levels of actual armor. Four of these are accounted for by removing four more dice, leaving the 18. On the last die, pips are removed, so the last six levels of armor reduce the hit to 12 points of damage. Note that the battle Dress has 25 SI, so the shot has stripped it of half it's equivalent of hit points. Nothing on the suit has *failed* yet, however...
Now the rest of the fire-team opens up. Being "Book 4" Marines, they all have Gauss Rifles, and feel that an opening act of full-auto fire is called for. For Gits and Shiggles, two of the three manage to hit, one of them with a critical hit, having focused their full-auto power on damage instead of coverage. A Gauss Rifle on full-auto (allocated to damage) does 5d12.
The normal hit produces the dice: 11, 9, 7, 5, 3. The low four dice are removed, along with 11 pips, so no damage from this one.
The critical (and if we were sadistic or going in a particular order, this one could be first) does 7d12 (because the autofire dice aren't doubled, only the base 2d12) and *ignores* the armor rating but not the size adjustment. The dice produce 12,10, 8, 6, 6, 4, 2, for a total of 22 points inflicted straight to the SI of the battledress (of which it had only 13 remaining), shutting down the battledress (by inflicting more than it's base SI) and incidently inflicting at least 2 rolls on the critical hit chart (Yes, the rules are a bit unclear here, but you get one roll for the critical hit and at least one for the excess damage after the SI hits zero). If either of those rolls cascades to the wearer, he's toast, with 22 points of damage inflicted with no armor to save him.
For those of you with the textbook, references are on pages 150, 151, 163-165, 168, 175-176, the weapons table on page 200, and the Battledress writeup on page 286.
The problem is the comment in the advanced rules about breaking SI down to individual components level, but *nowhere* providing guidelines for how this is done for vehicles. Also he have the question of how to "carry over" excess damage after SI is overcome. Is each spot on the chart 1 point, or some other number?