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CSR and CC for Navy?

Just curious if others are reading this the same way: CT High Guard says naval characters wounded in battle or strike assignments are eligible for the Purple Heart, but makes no mention of combat service ribbons or combat commands, as in Mercenary.

Do any of the other editions or sources suggest naval characters should earn these ribbons as well? Way, way back when, naval characters IMTU received CSRs and CCs because I never read the rules that closely and assumed HG decorations and ribbons worked just like Merc. Now I'm curious if this appears anywhere else in canon.

Thanks in advance for your replies.
Megatraveller Players' Manual Page 53

As MT and CT are quite compatible in all those aspects, here's what MT says as BackworldTraveller points:

Each time a carácter receives a combat assignment (battle, siege or strike), a combat service ribbon is awarded. Each time an officer holds a command assignment in combat, he receives a command cluster on the combat ribbon.
This may be literally applied to CT, as most MT CharGen rules.
I am running my first navel campaign and looking for Ideas. I like the medals and ribbons idea. I am also looking for ideas on how to run a navel campaign
I am running my first navel campaign and looking for Ideas. I like the medals and ribbons idea. I am also looking for ideas on how to run a navel campaign

A naval campaign may be too constricted for some players, but if you want to, I'd suggest you two ways to run it:

the whole campaign in a single ship, taking the roles fo the main characters (á la Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica ot MT: Assignment Vigilante). Several characters per player for less command missions (e.g. having one character in the command staff for main plot, one among the flight crew for fighter combat if that's what they like and one in the Marine complement for dirstside actions) is also a way to go (suggested in MT:Assignment Vigilante)

The other would be for each player to run the Captain of a small ship in an squadron, using crew as extras, and running the adventures of this squadron (better suited, IMHO, for small ships in scouting or like missions)
A naval campaign may be too constricted for some players, but if you want to, I'd suggest you two ways to run it:

the whole campaign in a single ship, taking the roles fo the main characters (á la Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica ot MT: Assignment Vigilante). Several characters per player for less command missions (e.g. having one character in the command staff for main plot, one among the flight crew for fighter combat if that's what they like and one in the Marine complement for dirstside actions) is also a way to go (suggested in MT:Assignment Vigilante)

The other would be for each player to run the Captain of a small ship in an squadron, using crew as extras, and running the adventures of this squadron (better suited, IMHO, for small ships in scouting or like missions)
By chance can you explain how
A naval campaign may be too constricted for some players, but if you want to, I'd suggest you two ways to run it:

the whole campaign in a single ship, taking the roles fo the main characters (á la Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica ot MT: Assignment Vigilante). Several characters per player for less command missions (e.g. having one character in the command staff for main plot, one among the flight crew for fighter combat if that's what they like and one in the Marine complement for dirstside actions) is also a way to go (suggested in MT:Assignment Vigilante)

The other would be for each player to run the Captain of a small ship in an squadron, using crew as extras, and running the adventures of this squadron (better suited, IMHO, for small ships in scouting or like missions)
I am not understanding how to set the CEI index. I bought the navel campaign source book. I understand the DM modification column but do you understand how to determine the middle column