Starship economics isn't really a big deal for a 3-D universe, since ships with J-Drives larger than Jump-1 tend to be "uneconomical" to operate. It doesn't matter how many systems you can reach if you can't pay for the ship
There are implications for the military though, since the "border" gets a lot closer. Ass an example if you have a system every "hex in 3-D then a J-1 empire has an "interior" with 7systems using 2-D and 13 systems in 3-D (using hexagonal close packed arrays) For each increase in jump, a 3-D empire will need more systems to have a "border" than a corresponding 2-D empire, which is offset by higher overall strategic mobility, but in effect Large 3D empires will have much closer "borders" than 2-D empires.
AstroSynthesis gives some *really* large variability for stellar density, and even the most "sparse" maps that I have generated (with the exceptions of the ones with less than 10 stars in a million light year cube) are massively higher than in the region of Sol.
I'm working on some PERL scripts to automagically generate stars in a 3-D volume. The current (simple and complete) one takes # of systems wanted, maximum values for L, W and H and generates X,Y and Z values for system positions. The next three I need to write (the hard ones) are:</font>
- one to determine the nearest stars within a given threshold for each star (this is computationally intensive, and I'm grinding my way through various sort algorithms to minimize the search space)</font>
- a second one to list "mains" or chains of systems that are "clustered" within certain distances of each other (within 3-5 ly or so)</font>
- a final one to do automatic system generation (GURPS Space may be the winner here: Astrosynthesis does some pretty bizarre things as far as "habatibility" ratings go: take a look at the mean temperature of the most habitable stars, and wonder why they can't have liquid water on their surface...)</font>
Anyway, once you have derived the distances from systems you can look at the statistics for "your" universe and determine what a good threshold for Jump-1 is (is it 1 parsec / ~3 ly? or 5 LY? or 2 lY?) I plan to do this with the second (as yet unbuilt) program and just use it until I have a dozen or so "mains" of more than 30 worlds in my 1,000x1,000x1,000 LY cube, and define that as the basic jump distance.
Of course, I don't allow jumps into deep space (woll, I do sort of: ~1% of those "systems" will not have a primary but you can't jump into just *any* empty space)
More details when I have more bugs worked out, but if you want the raw generator let me know, it's less than a dozen lines of PERL
Scott Martin