Evening infojunky, aka Evyn,
Thank you for another informative reply.
If the urge does Hit you try looking for threads by Henry Cobb....
Adding the name of a person or something does help and I know Henry Cobb's name. I think I have actually had some interaction with him over the years and I probably have material I've stashed in folders on my computer. Thank you for the help.
Ok, if you can find the original Missiles Supplement the Book 2 radiation table is in that. The suggestion to use Book 5's table is more than kinda broken as it has a different scale and orientation plus a Critical Hit.
The format of the Radiation Damage table in Special Supplement 3 (SS3) Missiles in Traveller does appear to be based on CT Book 2 Starships 1980 p. 30 Hit Location and Critical Hits Tables.
However, CT Book 2 Starships 1980 does not provide any information on what type of warhead is used by the turret anti-ship missiles. SS3, printed in JTAS 21 1984, has both high explosive and nuclear missile warheads which where, to my knowledge, first presented in CT Book 5 High Guard.
A further hint that SS3 is pitched towards CT Book 5 High Guard is the note that fibre-optic computers are immune to computer hits. CT book 2 does not have fibre-optics available for use, this item is a CT Book 5 component.
But as we discussed on the TML, we have different foci on this subject with mine being to expand Book 2 combat by inclusion of items and concepts introduced in Book 5. Whereas you are trying reconcile designs.
My intent was to
1. Verify that a ship built using CT Book 2 1977 design and construction rule set could be done in CT Book 2 1981 and CT Book 5 1980.
2. Recommend errata that would allow the ship to be built under the appropriate rules with a minimum of changes.
3. Use the standard CT Book 2 power plants, jump drives, and maneuver drives in ships built using the CT Book 5 rules allowing there use.
4. Verify that the updates of CT Book 2 ships into CT Book 5 ships matched.
Unfortunately, I've shelved my plans realizing I'm not up to the task and my lack of ability in stating my case for changes.
Thanks again for the reply and suggested search parameter.