my $missions =
Trader => { pax => 0.5, cargo => 0.5, defense => 0.0, typical_jump => 1, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'an elementary commerce vessel' },
Cruiser => { pax => 0.0, cargo => 0.0, defense => 1.0, typical_jump => 3, typical_maneuver => 5, purpose => 'a military ship designed to stand in a line of battle' },
Escort => { pax => 0.0, cargo => 0.1, defense => 0.9, typical_jump => 3, typical_maneuver => 4, purpose => 'a para-military ship for convoy and trade route protection' },
Freighter => { pax => 0.1, cargo => 0.9, defense => 0.0, typical_jump => 2, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'a commercial cargo hauler' },
Frigate => { pax => 0.0, cargo => 0.0, defense => 1.0, typical_jump => 3, typical_maneuver => 5, purpose => 'a military ship with more power than a cruiser, but less armor' },
Prospector=> { pax => 0.1, cargo => 0.9, defense => 0.0, typical_jump => 1, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'an asteroid mining and speculation ship' },
Excursion => { pax => 0.7, cargo => 0.2, defense => 0.1, typical_jump => 2, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'a commercially chartered touring ship' },
Lab => { pax => 0.5, cargo => 0.5, defense => 0.0, typical_jump => 2, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'a research ship' },
Merchant => { pax => 0.4, cargo => 0.5, defense => 0.1, typical_jump => 1, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'a subsidized commercial ship' },
Corsair => { pax => 0.1, cargo => 0.5, defense => 0.4, typical_jump => 2, typical_maneuver => 3, purpose => 'a pirate which prowls the space lanes for easy pickings' },
Liner => { pax => 0.6, cargo => 0.2, defense => 0.1, typical_jump => 3, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'a commercial passenger ship' },
Scout => { pax => 0.2, cargo => 0.1, defense => 0.1, typical_jump => 2, typical_maneuver => 2, purpose => 'an exploratory ship' },
Transport => { pax => 0.7, cargo => 0.1, defense => 0.1, typical_jump => 4, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'a ship designed to carry other ships' },
Yacht => { pax => 0.8, cargo => 0.1, defense => 0.1, typical_jump => 2, typical_maneuver => 1, purpose => 'a luxury ship owned by a corporation or wealthy person' },