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CT Errata Projects: Book 2 ('81) Designs


I'm needing some assistance with verifying the following designs from CT products for identifying errata. We're using the Book 2 ('81)/TTB design system (which is very different from B2-77) for these corrections. Note that the existing errata has corrections for the type S, A, R, M, Y, C and T designs.

The fact is--in several cases, the designs were created using the 1977 rules and NOT corrected anywhere. In others, there are just errors. Either way, confirming and correcting the errors is a good thing.

Here's the list!

S7 Traders and Gunboats: Express Boat (X), Express Boat Tender (XT), Scout/Courier (S), Subsidized Merchant (R), Far Trader (A2), and Seeker (J).

A10 Safari Ship: Safari Ship (K).

A13 Signal GK: Subsidized Liner (M).

DA3 Death Station: Lab Ship (L).

DA5 Chamax Plague: modifications to the Subsidized Merchant (R) legal?

The Traveller Adventure: Subsidized Merchant (R), Long-Liner (RT), Freighter (AT), Frontier Transport (TI), Frontier Transport (TJ), Heavy Merchant (AH), Cargo Carrier (CT).

AM1 Aslan: Aslan Scout, Trader, Clan Transport, Courier, Cruiser, Escort, Seeker and Researcher.

AM3 Vargr: Vargr Seeker (VJ), Trader (VA), Corsair (VP), Packet (VM), Courier (VX), Scout (VS), and Frigate (VF).

AM4 Zhodani: Zhodani Scout (ZS), Trader (ZM), Liner (ZR), Escort (ZE), Courier (ZC).

AM5 Droyne: Droyne Scout (SD), Trader (AD), Cruiser (CD).

AM6 Solomani: Escort (SF), Cruiser (SM), Bulk Carrier (SK), Free Trader (SA), Fleet Courier (SX).

AM7 Hiver: Hiver Trader (HR), Embassy Ship (HE), Research Cruiser (HL), Escort (HE). The Explorer (HX) has already been verified by Gruffty.

Spinward Marches Campaign: Seeker (J), Corsair (P). There is no design for the 3,000-ton type MK Cargo Carrier (p. 31) in the book.

Here's the thread for the general CT errata discussion: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=20051

But I thought we'd keep the Book 2 design discussion here in The Fleet. I'll post a similar thread for the High Guard designs later on.
I'm needing some assistance with verifying the following designs from CT products for identifying errata. We're using the Book 2 ('81)/TTB design system (which is very different from B2-77) for these corrections.

Just double checking. I have B2-'77 and The Traveller Book-'82. I purchased TTB as a collector and have never used it. But, it looks like TTB is the same as B2-'77 with updated/errata tables, correct?

Also, I'll try to check the Subsidized Merchant this weekend.

Just My Thougths
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TTB has the '81 fixes, yes...

The major differences are a different computer table, and a different Drive Potential table.

And the 1977 edition has one of my favorite lost rules:

"A non-starship described above can support its passengers for up to 30 days in space. Beyond that time, air, food and water begin to run out. The passenger capacity cannot be increased, due primarily to design constraints, and potential overload of life support equipment. At the end of 30 days, throw 9+ each day to prevent the recycling machinery from breaking down. If it does fail, it must be repaired on the same day (throw 9+ to repair; DM: +1 per level of Mechanical expertise, once per day) or the air is exhausted and the passengers will suffocate."
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A10 Safari Ship: Safari Ship (K).

Ad10 also mentions a more general class of ship, the "Personal Touring Ship", with the Type K implied as a specific subtype or something.

Spinward Marches Campaign: Seeker (J), Corsair (P). There is no design for the 3,000-ton type MK Cargo Carrier (p. 31) in the book.

The cargo carrier's stats might be the "Mora Class" freighter High Guard stats; if so, then of course they're horribly wrong (wrong tonnage for starters). If not, then there's a brand-new freighter that the module forgot to mention anywhere... which is why I think it's more likely to be errata. Maybe.
Also, I'll try to check the Subsidized Merchant this weekend.

I've confirmed that Sup 7 Subsidized Merchant was constructed using '77 L2B 2. The key is the class 'C' drives. With the revised rules, there is no need for class 'C's. Build is as follows:

As Per '77 LBB 2
 1. 400t hull              +400   t       16    MCr
 2. JD C                    -20   t       30    MCr
    MD C                     -5   t       12    MCr
    PP C                    -10   t       24    MCr
 3. PP Fuel                 -10   t
    JD Fuel                 -40   t
 4. Bridge                  -20   t        2    MCr
 5. Model 1 Computer         -1   t        2    MCr
 6. 13 Staterooms           -52   t        6.5  MCr
    9 Low Berths             -4.5 t        0.45 MCr
 7. 2 Double Turrets         -2   t        1.2  MCr
 8. 20 t Launch             -20   t       14    MCr
 9. Cargo                  -200   t
10. Streamlined                            4    MCr
                         ---------      -----------
Totals                      384.5 t      112.15 MCr

Discounted Total                         100.935 MCr

Updating to TTB '82 is straight forward. For a 400 t hull, class B drives are now available for drive ratings of '1'.

As Per '92 TTB
 1. 400t hull              +400   t       16    MCr
 2. JD B                    -15   t       20    MCr
    MD B                     -3   t        8    MCr
    PP B                     -7   t       16    MCr
 3. PP Fuel                 -10   t
    JD Fuel                 -40   t
 4. Bridge                  -20   t        2    MCr
 5. Model 1 Computer         -1   t        2    MCr
 6. 13 Staterooms           -52   t        6.5  MCr
    9 Low Berths             -4.5 t        0.45 MCr
 7. 2 Double Turrets         -2   t        1.2  MCr
 8. 20 t Launch             -20   t       14    MCr
 9. Cargo                  -200   t
10. Streamlined                            4    MCr
                         ---------      -----------
Totals                      374.5 t       90.15 MCr

Discounted Total                          81.135 MCr

Now, if we count the squares on the deck plan for the cargo bay, and remember that it is two decks high, you get 233 t of cargo space. So with the revised plan we increase the cargo space to 225 t and get the following totals:

 9. Cargo                  -225   t
10. Streamlined                            4    MCr
                         ---------      -----------
Totals                      399.5 t       90.15 MCr

Discounted Total                          81.135 MCr

If you see any mistakes I've made, post and/or correct. It's been about 25+ years since I designed a LLB 2 starship :).

Just My Thougths