Howdy Vladika,
Tom, you are correct on the missing Nurse. She's toast since HG1 went by the wayside. Interesting though that the 1/240 rule, added as errata, was in fact a HG1 requirement?
You are right with the exception of wording and not mentioning the command section the errata Medical is from HG1
I don't think Andrea worked that into HGSY. Also, last I looked HGSY didn't figure Power Plant into the equation, just Maneuver and Jump crew. HGSY, again, last I looked, fails to have a full crew for all 3 drive types; Power, Maneuver & Jump.
Here is a couple of entries taken from the HGS v2.0.0.13 component.text based on the CT AM3 Vargr Corsair using HG2 design rules:
Pilot, Navigator, 4 Engineers, Medic, 4 Gunners
M-Drive Factor-5: 56.000 Td; MCr 28.000
J-Drive Factor-2: 12.000 Td; MCr 48.000
P-Plant Factor-5: 60.000 Td; MCr 180.000; +20.000 EP
I've created HG2 spreadsheets and they match almost everything, except cost which I've never matched.
Depends on how you breakdown the engineering crew. Both Book 2 and HG2 both say that one engineer is required for each 35 tons in Book 2 and 100 tons in HG2 of drives installed. Drive tonnage = Power Plant + M-Drive + J-Drive. The Corsair is 400 tons and uses Book 2's requirement of 35 tons. 56 + 12 + 60 = round(128 / 35,0) = round(3.6571,0) = 4.
Using the HG2 rule for engineering the Corsair requires 56 + 12 + 60 = round(128 / 100,0) = round(1.28,0) = 1 engineer.
I've tried more than once to suggest that each system should calculate the number of engineers required separately or as an alternate method combining the power plant and an installed into one for calculating the number of engineers needed. The j-drive engineers would be separately calculated.
Unfortunately, the consensus is to stick with the rules as written of lumping them together to get the number of engineers needed. HGS appears to round down on decimal fraction .4 or less and round up on decimal fraction .5 and greater.
I'd go with aramis, if I understood him correctly, and have the service crew department head come out of the service crew allotment.
As for Engineering Chief, I'm with you, though we are bucking the rules to see it that way. He should be a separate department head. (Also, on RW merchant ships, the Chief Engineer is, sometimes, listed right below the captain in "chain of command".)
Here is how I, based on being in the USN, see the section/department head breakdown in HG2 with Consolidated CT Errata on hulls >1,000 tons:
Command Department Head: CO via XO
Medical Department Head: Medical Officer
Engineering Department Head: Chief Engineer
Gunnery/Screens Department Head: Chief Gunnery Officer
Flight Department Head: Flight Officer with the Flight Supervision Officer as an assistant.
Ship's Troops: Highest ranking Officer or NCO depending on the unit size.
Service Crew: I'd call this section Supply so the department head is the highest ranking officer of NCO.
Your position on medics for Ships Troops bothers me some. For straight "ships troops", I'd include the troops in the overall numbers of crew to compute ships medical staff. For Marines. I'd go with separate medics, not part of the ships permanent crew.
HG2 Book 5 page 33 specifically refers to a marine contingent as Ship's Troops. Then adds (or military) contingents both of which are used as security forces and for military adventures. The rule refers to Book 4 Mercenary on the organization of ship's troops.
I'm not sure what is meant by "straight" ship's troops based on HG2 Book 5 page 33 specifically referring to a marine (or military) contingent as Ship's Troops serving as a security force or use in military adventures. The Ship's Troops section refers to Book 4 Mercenary for their organization. Book 4 also lists requirements for medics.
Between wording "Most ship's over 1,000 tons have..." in Ship's Troops and the requirement for 3 service crew members when Ship's Troops are not carried strongly suggest Ship's Troops are optional.
Every design I've seen Total Crew = Command + Medical + Engineering + Gunnery + Service Crew. I've seen the Flight Section included in some and as separate entries in others. Ship's Troops have been listed separately.
I'll concede that using Ship's Troops to bump the Medical Section on hulls > 1,000 tons falls with the one medic per non-medical personnel is per the rules. However, if Ship's Troops are organized per Book 4 they also have separate medics.
Ship's Troops having medics of their own is another topic that I've posted about and have had the consensus say I'm out to lunch.
Thanks for the reply