The Stalingrad-class Recon Frigate was inspired by a certain recon frigate from a recent computer game, which was named after another famous WWII battle.
Using a 600-ton hull, the Stalingrad-class Recon Frigate is a fast, agile military vessel designed for deep scouting missions and commando operations. It has Jump Drive-M, Manoeuvre Drive-T and Power Plant-T, giving it Jump-4 capability and 6-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 300 tons supports the power plant and provides up to 1-Jump-4.
Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/7. There are 11 staterooms; double occupancy is required for everyone except for the Captain. Six triple turrets are installed - two with Pulse Lasers, two with Sandcasters and two with Missile Racks. The ships carries a wheeled ATV in a hull compartment. Cargo capacity is 56 tons. The hull is streamlined.
The Recon Frigate requires a crew of 21: Captain, Pilot, Navigator/XO, Medic, 6 Gunners, 5 Engineers and 6 Marines. The ship costs MCr506.53 and takes 24 months to build.
Using a 600-ton hull, the Stalingrad-class Recon Frigate is a fast, agile military vessel designed for deep scouting missions and commando operations. It has Jump Drive-M, Manoeuvre Drive-T and Power Plant-T, giving it Jump-4 capability and 6-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 300 tons supports the power plant and provides up to 1-Jump-4.
Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/7. There are 11 staterooms; double occupancy is required for everyone except for the Captain. Six triple turrets are installed - two with Pulse Lasers, two with Sandcasters and two with Missile Racks. The ships carries a wheeled ATV in a hull compartment. Cargo capacity is 56 tons. The hull is streamlined.
The Recon Frigate requires a crew of 21: Captain, Pilot, Navigator/XO, Medic, 6 Gunners, 5 Engineers and 6 Marines. The ship costs MCr506.53 and takes 24 months to build.