mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
What would you do as a simple intro that could be given away free?
1, Characters
Attributes - roll 2d6 for Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social standing; alternatively allocate 42 points between them, no attribute can be higher than 12 or lower than 2
Career and skills - choose a career and number of years of service from 2 to 12 (or roll 2d).
Receive automatic skills for chosen career and choose a number of additional skills (or raise the level of an existing skill by 1) equal to 1 per 2 years served, round up.
Soldier - automatic skills: rifle, tactics.
other skills - physical, weapon, vehicle, leader, medical, admin, mechanical, electronic, computer, tactics, gambling, battle dress, fwd obsvr
Merchant - automatic skills: space, admin
other skills - physical, weapon, vehicle, space, medical, admin, mechanical, electronic, computer,
streetwise, steward, jack-o-t, bribery
Scout - automatic skills: pilot, space (other than pilot)
other skills - physical, mental, weapon, vehicle, space, medical, mechanical, electronic, computer, jack-o-t
Spacer - automatic skills: vacc suit, space (other than vacc suit)
other skills - any attribute, weapon, medical, admin, mechanical, electronic, computer, fwd obsvr, jack-o-t, space
Agent - automatic skills: streetwise, weapon
other skills - physical, weapon, vehicle, gambling, bribery, streetwise, mechanical, electronic, forgery, medical, computer, jack-o-t
Some of the skills above require you to choose one from a list of skills each time you take it.
physical - increase Str, or, Dex, or End, by 1
mental - increase Int, or Edu by 1
No attribute, physical or mental, can be raised above 15.
space - choose 1 from engineering, gunnery, navigation, pilot, vacc suit
vehicle - choose 1 from ATV, grav vehicle
weapon - choose 1 from handgun, rifle, heavy weapon, brawling, small blade, large blade
1, Characters
Attributes - roll 2d6 for Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social standing; alternatively allocate 42 points between them, no attribute can be higher than 12 or lower than 2
Career and skills - choose a career and number of years of service from 2 to 12 (or roll 2d).
Receive automatic skills for chosen career and choose a number of additional skills (or raise the level of an existing skill by 1) equal to 1 per 2 years served, round up.
Soldier - automatic skills: rifle, tactics.
other skills - physical, weapon, vehicle, leader, medical, admin, mechanical, electronic, computer, tactics, gambling, battle dress, fwd obsvr
Merchant - automatic skills: space, admin
other skills - physical, weapon, vehicle, space, medical, admin, mechanical, electronic, computer,
streetwise, steward, jack-o-t, bribery
Scout - automatic skills: pilot, space (other than pilot)
other skills - physical, mental, weapon, vehicle, space, medical, mechanical, electronic, computer, jack-o-t
Spacer - automatic skills: vacc suit, space (other than vacc suit)
other skills - any attribute, weapon, medical, admin, mechanical, electronic, computer, fwd obsvr, jack-o-t, space
Agent - automatic skills: streetwise, weapon
other skills - physical, weapon, vehicle, gambling, bribery, streetwise, mechanical, electronic, forgery, medical, computer, jack-o-t
Some of the skills above require you to choose one from a list of skills each time you take it.
physical - increase Str, or, Dex, or End, by 1
mental - increase Int, or Edu by 1
No attribute, physical or mental, can be raised above 15.
space - choose 1 from engineering, gunnery, navigation, pilot, vacc suit
vehicle - choose 1 from ATV, grav vehicle
weapon - choose 1 from handgun, rifle, heavy weapon, brawling, small blade, large blade