Anti-missile fire got a few, and ECM took out some more, but enough got through that the merc suffered 15D6damage results. That's a guaranteed kill. :devil:
Using only Book 2 ship rules (and associated house rules) how does a combat vessel survive missile massacres?
Best regards,
Bob W
Don’t panic. 15d6 is an average of 52.5 hits. By rolling average dice that would mean
- 1-2 criticals
- 7 turret hits (probably 2-3 lost due to hitting an already damaged turret)
- 6 computer hits
- 7 hold hits
- 16 hull hits (no effect after the first one)
- 6 fuel hits (so losing 60 dtons of fuel)
- 4 JD hits (reducing it to H)
- 3 MD hits (reducingit to J)
- 1-2 PP hits (reducing it to L or K)
So, if you survive the critical(s) (no explode or computer hits), your ship can still have 2 G acceleration and is capable to jump 2, its computer will function on a 7+ each phase (computer skills applied as + DM), some opperative weaponry and (if it began combat with full tanks) still have over 250 dtons of fuel.
Yes, your spaceship is now a space cheese (emmental kind), but it's not yet a full loss (and maybe able to jump away).
That's what I don't like of CT:LBB2 combat damage system...