Originally posted by tbeard1999:
Oh Yeah? Well I'll take the Pepsi challenge with say, Firefly or Babylon V against that BG stuff any time.
Firefly is a good show. It is. If you can get past the heavy-handed cowboy stuff. I dug it, and I saw Serenity.
Babylon 5, back in the day, was THE show. But, its dating rather poorly, wouldn't you say? And, some of that acting.... And, you still have to get through B5's pilot and first season and still keep yourself interested--no easy task, that. And, there's the big let down with the way season five turned out. But, hey, lets not go there.
Both B5 and Firefly are in my top, best, greatest SciFi shows of all time.
See...here's the catch, though. The new BSG is not only the top SciFi show of all time--it's pretty much the best TV show ever to hit the airwaves (and there have been some damn good ones out there through the years).
Pepsi Challenge, eh?
I've always preferred Coke.