Also wanted to see if anyone had any further suggestions.
I've converted/am converting my campaign from CT to MgT, actually a melding/abomination of those and HG. Plus maybe a few ideas from T20 (we'll see).
I'm [slowly] reworking the career tables. For MTU:
-I've separated Promotions from the Advancement roll. They still get a skill roll for Advancing, but not one for promotions. I do this to simulate the advantages of High Soc in the Imperium (for Officer Ranks, with appropriate penalties to promotion/commission for not being Noble; at least in the appropriate careers: Navy, Marines, etc.)
-Expanding out the generic Event results for more variety. (I once rolled a Scout in MgT; in six terms he had FOUR (4!) results of 'first on the scene of a disaster/rescue'. :nonono

-Added Awards/Decorations rolls (military/noble/scouts/etc get Decorations, others may get rewards), similar to Books 4,5 etc. Merchants, some other careers get a Cash Bonus [half the amount of a cash muster roll] if they make it, though some careers may get other rewards (still working that out, but recognition for scientists, educators, etc; perhaps a piece of expensive equipment).
-I've added in an Advantage roll (before entering the career process), giving each player an edge - IF they want it. My players also know me well enough to realize that with an advantage usually comes some form of penalty... :devil:
-Using a form of Ship Credits to replace ship shares - similar to T5's new rules, from what I've heard. Under this system, a scout/courier would require nine (9) Ship Credits to attain. (And of course, this ship is at least 40 years old and unarmed... though more Credits can reduce the age a bit and maybe 'buy' a turret.)
Not sure what else I'll come up with/change. But I've probably six months or more before I get to run again. [My group is 'knee deep' in a Top Secret campaign currently, and we meet every other week.]
I was considering using MgT's 'skill purchase' route. But on testing/reflection all the players in my group would purchase a boat-load of skills, no ranks, and be poor on background development, so I trashed that idea...
Hope these help. Keep up the great ideas!