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[CT] Spaceman Spiff

I'm compiling data on the Calvin & Hobbs character "Spaceman Spiff" in hopes I can render at least some of it into CT terms, including a map with named worlds, listings of aliens, and technology. Would the act of posting my findings on this forum against regulations, Mods? :confused:

Yessir, indeed. ;) And a wonderful set of ideas it is. However, the author appeared to carefully avoid using any names given in the original comic.

My mini-project which DOES reference the comic's nomina propria is non-profit and purely recreational, and that's why I wanted to clear it with the PTB's before proceeding.
Very nice Berka, has the making of a stress relief blastfest

Shapeshifter, keep us apprised of progress. Calvin and Hobbs will be a favorite till the day I take my dirt nap. That and Bloom County.
Have you (or maybe it was you?) done a search of CotI? We (me and I forget who) did some Spaceman Spiff pondering here a while back.

As far as legalities I'm not sure, and my mind is mush, long weekend, long drive, should be sleeping :) I'll get back to this later...
Have you (or maybe it was you?) done a search of CotI? We (me and I forget who) did some Spaceman Spiff pondering here a while back.

As far as legalities I'm not sure, and my mind is mush, long weekend, long drive, should be sleeping :) I'll get back to this later...



Due to extendability (i.e. high-TL-rich design systems), I was last leaning towards using T5 for this.
The stat blocks on Dark Hunter looked waaay complicated...perhaps something other than CT which is all I'm familiar with. When it comes to RPG's in general my motto is Keep It Simple, Stupid! :rofl:
Big stat blocks give me d20 D&D flashbacks. *shudder*
The stat blocks on Dark Hunter looked waaay complicated...perhaps something other than CT which is all I'm familiar with. When it comes to RPG's in general my motto is Keep It Simple, Stupid! :rofl:
Big stat blocks give me d20 D&D flashbacks. *shudder*

The stat blocks for the weapons were created by another gent using TNE's Fire, Fusion, and Steel. They are too complex.
Planets of the Spiffverse

Most of the worlds shown that Spiff visits appear to be desert worlds with rocky, mountainous surfaces and with mesas, gorges, etc. In only 1 case that I can remember was there any substantial water present, so Hydrographics would--by default--probably be in the range of 0 or 1 at most, unless other regions not shown afford water.

Since the hero never wears a helmet, I assume that the planets all conveniently possess relatively breathable atmospheres (Atmo 6).
Planets of the Spiffverse

Since the hero never wears a helmet, I assume that the planets all conveniently possess relatively breathable atmospheres (Atmo 6).

Just remember a few times you also see him in space so his suit probably has some cool gadgetry on it. (also this is a wierd coincidence, I was reading Calvin & Hobbes right before this)
NEW CHARACTERISTIC for Spiffverse Aliens:


2D-1..........thus from 1 (Hmm....odd) to 11 ("B") (Zounds! That's Hideous!).
Most normal humans of Terra are between 0.1 to 0.5; celebrities 0.6 or higher.

Spacemen must Save vs. Weirdness or suffer consequences.
Weirdness Save Procedure: roll 2D OVER the Weirdness score to save. If roll is less, consult table below. Deduct the target roll number (Weirdness Score+1) from the actual roll.

1 less...Grossed Out.....................................-1 to attack throws
2 less...Stunned..............................................no actions for 1 round, next round at -2 to attack throws; 1 in 6 chance to barf
3 less...Horrified........................................... no actions for 2 rounds, next round at -3 to attack throws; 2 in 6 chance to barf
4+ less...Petrified with Sheer Terror.............no actions for D6+2 rounds; 3 in 6 chance to barf

If the character suffers barfiness he or she cannot take any actions.

If a Spaceman encounters an alien and makes his save on a prior occasion, he receives a DM of +2 to the next save.

E.g. Bloatoids have an average Weirdness score of 7. Spiff must roll at least an 8 to make his save vs. Weirdness. He rolls a 7 . The difference is 1 and he becomes Grossed Out. Thus Spiff can attack if he wishes but incurs a -1 DM to any attack throws that round.

Weirdness levels as indicated by a Bizzarotron can be in decimal form. In this event, read any fraction equal to or more than .5 as another whole number, and anything under .5 as less. E.g. 3.7 becomes 4, while 3.4 becomes 3.
Ive got the complete Calvin & Hobbes so ill look up "weirdness scores" or other relevant things to traveller.

I've just finished compiling data from all known Spiff strips.
I'm now in the process of converting the crunchy bits to CT.
Bizzarotron and Weirdness Level are featured in 92-08-30.
Stay tuned...
I think the best story here is that humanity once had incredible tech and other races feared and hated them. So the other races banded together and destroyed the imperium. Spiff is part of an elite group of scouts fighting the alien alliance and finding new worlds for humanity to colonize. They are equiped with now rare scout vessels and other gear. Listed Gear:

Spiffs handgun (reffered to as the Napalm Nutralizer, Zorcher, and Death Ray. I think it would be a miniturized PGMP-12)

Folding Jet pack(Works like grav belt)

Demise-o-Bomb(I'm not familiar with any rules that would correspond to this.)

I've also statted up Spiff's ship:

89 Tons
All B rated drives
4g accel
Model 4 computer
Manuver/evade 3
Jump 4
Auto/evade(for when he's firing)
1 triple turret
Missile launcher
Pulse laser
Sandcaster(also renders Spiff's ship temporarily invisible)

Tell me what you think or how this could be improved please!
Oh here's a "new" scout class for my storyline.

Enlistment: 10+
+1 Intel 10+
Edu 10+
Social 10+
(aww what the heck +1 for every stat above 10)

Survival 9+
+2 if endurance 10+

Reenlist 4+

3 skills per term

automatic skills:survival-1 Pilot-1

(edited by FT: this what you were going for: )

  Personal Development   Service Skills
1 +1 str                 Air/raft
2 +1Dex                  Vacc Suit
3 +2Dex                  Mechanical
4 +1endur                Electronics
5 +1intel                Gun cmbt
6 Gun cmbt               Gun Cmbt

  Advanced edu           8+ edu
1 Vehicle                Medical
2 Mechanical             Navigation
3 Electronic             Engineering
4 Gun cmbt               Computer
5 Gunnery                Pilot
6 Gunnery                Pilot
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something really wierd happend in my last post there were supposed to be 2 columns for skills but they're stuck together and I cant edit.
something really wierd happend in my last post there were supposed to be 2 columns for skills but they're stuck together and I cant edit.

Yep, that'll happen. To make what you want and preserve it you need to compose off the board (like in MS Word or something) with a monospaced font. Then copy and paste that into the post within the "code" tags, third symbol from the right in the menu above the reply window "#"
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I think the best story here is that humanity once had incredible tech and other races feared and hated them. So the other races banded together and destroyed the imperium. Spiff is part of an elite group of scouts fighting the alien alliance and finding new worlds for humanity to colonize.

Holy crap, that's awesome! Great idea! :)

Just off-hand, the tech level would have to be freakishly high in order for the saucer to have J-capability...AND all the weapons mentioned:

• death ray blaster (computer-guided), ship's
• gamma beam macerator
• mertilizer beam
• mordo blasters
• phospho bombs

Demise-o-Bomb(I'm not familiar with any rules that would correspond to this.)

EDIT: Which strip mentioned this?
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It was a long book only several page spread where susie was a booger being and his mom was a naggon. If you have the C&H complete collection I think its in Volume 2 if you don't have it ,its a ball with a skull and crossbones (in real life it was a water ballon he hit his mom with). Also my storline explains why , despite his tech , he is faced by overwhelming odds, you never see any humans , and he crashlands often because of years of improvised repairs with low tech tools that are inadiquate for something as advanced as his ship.