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CT/T5 tools and utilities web site


A couple of months ago, I released a T5 cargo generator in response to a request from Spartan159 of this parish. This was something I'd been working on anyway, prompted by a SOLO campaign I've been running. I've expanded the tools to include some others that I've found useful (a CT LBB2 cargo generator, an orbital distance thing and am angular diameter calculator). I'll be adding more as I write them.

The web site uses a back-end API, which is available for general use. It uses JSON (because life's too short for XML); you'll find API documentation available from links through the front-end web site. Hopefully it'll reduce some of the necessary heavy lifting for others.

You can find the front-end web site at http://www.trav.phraction.org (also https://www.trav.phraction.org), while the API server lives at http://api.trav.phraction.org (also https://api.trav.phraction.org).

The code for both the web site and the API server is in Github, at

I have a list of tools and features I plan to add: anything going on the front end will also have a back end API. The planned feature list includes:

* Sample CLI interfaces (using Python, but hopefully they'll illustrate the approach)
* CT LBB6 system utilities
- System description
- Rotational and orbital periods
* MegaTraveller World Builder's Handbook functionality
- System description
- Rotational and orbital periods
- Temperature ranges
* CT LBB3 wilderness encounter tables
* Cepheus Engine wilderness encounter tables
* T5 Beastmaker
* CT Merchant Prince cargogen
* Cepheus Engine cargogen
* ...

I'm happy to consider requests for other utilities and put them on the backlog if I think they're feasible.