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Current Status of T5?


The Traveller5 Kickstarter was successfully funded on July 1, 2012.

I (believe) I received my book about a year later. I missed the initial Kickstarter campaign but was allowed to join in on the fun after the fact; a very honored and grateful thanks to Mr. Miller!

The date of the last official errata document is July 26, 2013. So... 10 pages of errata have managed to be the final resting place for some 19 months or so.

My question, then, is this: there was a lot of talk about updating the electronic files and doing a second printing with the errors corrected. What is the current status of said project? When can we expect an updated Traveller5 to be released?

As Don McKinney always says: no dates! However, the errata document is still being worked on -- and I at least am still adding to it. Not very often, but occasionally I find something.

Character generation has been prettied up, and combat is getting worked over with errata, but also for flow.

A large pile of less-essential errata has been getting done. But, I don't know where Marc is in the list at the moment.

I do know that starship combat won't be worked on until personal combat is done.

I also know that a Player's Guide won't come out until the Core Rules are fixed.