Commercial (civilian) cyberware appears at TL14.
Military (clandestine) cyberware appears at TL12.
Legal cyberware is for the medical replacement of lost limbs or organs, or the augmentation of weakened/damaged limbs or organs. Legal cyberware is tailored for both functionality, and apperance. A cybereye might not match the real one, and can only register images in monochrome (no colors); a cyberhand might move slower than the original and emit a whine of its motors and/or clicks from its actuators.
Illegal cyberware is usually stolen from military facilities, or scavenged from recent Imperial Marine battle sites. It is designed for lethal functionality, and requires a "Cyberware" skill to repair and maintain, much the same as any weapon skill.
Successful implantation of legal cyberware requires 8+ on 2D, with a DM that is the average of "Medical" and "Cyberware", rounded down. Illegal/military cyberware has a DM of -2.
Public reactions to Cyborgs are about the same as public reactions to Psionics. Replace "Lobotomy" with "Removal of Cyberware".
Some legal cyberdevices I have made available:
Cybereye, with infrared, telescopic, or microscopic focus.
Cyberear, with compression, ultrasound, or radio reception (single fixed frequency).
Cyberlimb, hand, foot, leg, or arm.
Cyberorgan, artificial heart, kidney, or lung.
Some illegal/military cyberdevices I have made available:
Forearm guns, a la "Buzz Lightyear".
Cerebral Data Link, per "Johnny Mnemonic".
Internal Psi Shield, switchable, encasing the entire brain inside the skull.
Skeletal Metal Infusion - usually a titanium alloy.
Enhanced Healing - halves healing time, no medic required to use once implanted.