trader jim
SOC-14 1K
hhhhmmnnnn....mor "food" for thought....the CD.... 

Yes Dragon#70, February 1983 (gah almost 20 years agoOriginally posted by Ellros:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Casey:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by kafka47:
Wasn't there a Roger E. Moore article ("Dwarves in Space") that addressed this whole issue of conversion?
_________________________________________________Originally posted by RabidVargr:
I remember reading somewhere about someone running a game with the Neogi as a minor fringe race, slavers of course.. Sounds like an idea...
And the various planetouched from Planescape.Originally posted by Sinbad Sam:
To Heck with all of the muscle monsters from the DnD books.
Just give the beauties ie Nymph, Dryad and the Succubus.![]()
________________________________________________Originally posted by Izzy:
I have been thinking converting some dnd monsters myself. The only problem I am having is with travellers lifeblood damage system, is what to do about monsters with Damage Reduction. Do I just get rid of it or what?
Does anybody know what to do or am I missing something.
If there is a conversion I would seriously think about using the Lifeblood version in a standard d20 fanatsy game. More deadly and realistic.
Thank you Liam Devlin, that expained something I was missed.Your example makes it a lot easier to convert now.posted February 22, 2003 10:19
Liam Devlin
I dunno about the damage reduction.I left off in AdND 2e meself..
But to assign Life Blood to a monster, lets look at a critter:
A troll, 6+6 hd. (Thats a plus 1 per hd, or at least a 12 LB/ 12 CON (+1). Now fer unusual criters, say 4+2 hd, Giant Lizard, thats 1pt per two hit (stamina)die. Say a 10 COn/ 10 LB. ye get the idea?
Now if it was per hit/ stamina die. well, the Lb goes up!
Mr Troll then has a 22 LB/ 22 CON.
Mr Lizard has a 14 LB/ 14 Con.
Note, one of the more powerful Psionic creatures, the illithid/ Mindflayer is 8+4 hd., and is AC 15 (old AC 5). Its what they can do to you psi-wise that makes em fearsome. They do resemble the Drakh of B-5 somewhat...Hmmm. ideas!!!
Originally posted by Izzy:
Thank you Liam Devlin, that explained something I was missed.Your example makes it a lot easier to convert now.-------------------------------------------------*************************************************
Yer welcome Izzy! Besides, be a shame fer me to toss away 22 years of AdN D material, when its there at hand to flesh out a critter fer T20!
I am wondering though if damage reduction should be divided by 3 as the Ar is done and add it to the AR. The like damage Reduction a instead of silver bypasses it. it could be Electricity, steel(sword), laser etc. Otherwise if the object is not avaible all the dies are reduced or lost until the weapon or equalivent is used. HUMMMM! Something to think about.Izzy
Sounds like a reasonable solution to me, Izzy. converting over laser/ energy to its equivalent in D & D, sounds like *force* (a wand of force always struck me (haha, pun!) as a magic lightsabre. Force magic = energy not covered by heat/ cold, like plasma/fusion weapons, or laser blade on the invulnerabilities.
Nice little write up. I was going to suggest something similar, once I tracked down the short story I read many years ago. It was a similar idea, except for the psionic part, nice touch!Originally posted by Gaming Glen:
The "undead" could be bodies and skeletons of dead creatures now being operated by little worms/slugs occupying parts of the body.
Example: Tinearvus (I'm mangling some Latin: Nerve Worm)
A worm-like creature that occupies the bodies and skeletons of dead creatures. The creature usually resides in the head of its dead host while it sends tendrils throughout the skeletal frame to operate the bones for movement. Red tipped pods envelope any soft tissues around openings in the head and use these openings for sensory input. The creature usually ingests its host over a period of time so it tends to move near other dead bodies to switch hosts when finished with their current home.
Well, definitely needs better fleshing out (ha!), but it could have a mild psionic ability that let's it cooperate with others of its kind (i.e., a skeletal horde), and can also be dominated by a strong psychic individual (i.e., "necromancer").![]()
Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
Don't forget the Thri-Kreen, they look like bug-eyed monsters and might even be the space
Or the old diseased human theory. Getting a bit worn though. The vamp would still likely just prey on its species unless the disease handwaves some sort of immunity or keeps a basically dead lifeform barely "alive". (ala the Resident Evil movie)faring king. I'm not crazy about vampires though. They don't make any sense in a relatively hard science fiction setting. A creature that suck blood and is not really alive? There are just too many sources of blood besides intelligent humans or other creatures that might be player characters. Also alien blood might be poisonous. Most alien creatures that attack humans for food just don't know any better, they would attack and kill the humans and then poison themselves when they consume the meat. I think aliens that have a paracitic relationship with humans of one that consumes humans for food is just unlikely. The exception being the bioengineered creations of the ancients.