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D&D Monsters as T20 Aliens

I think the first issue I have is #48, also have a coulple of the long cover White Dwarfs with Traveller adventures in them...late 70's or early 80's...so yep..about 30 years ago.
Given that the Die Rolls for Monsters, at least in my original copy of the AD&D Monster Manual is a D8, simply going with D6 for use in Traveller would be fairly easy.
Yeah, I've been using monsters from 1st edition AD&D for years in my CT games without my gamers being any wiser.

Although when I used the mindflayers I had them in full vaccsuits due to their "breathing chlorine", since no one ever saw their faces...they thought it was all a Zho plot...

Until they found the corpses with cored out skulls!
To quote "Aliens" - "just another bug hunt" - and I guess almost all fantasy creatures could be used as the "bugs".

I've got goblins - feral stunted cannibalistic humans from a lost colony who live underground and hunt at night with stone weapons - in my bro's Christmas game.
To quote "Aliens" - "just another bug hunt" - and I guess almost all fantasy creatures could be used as the "bugs".

I've got goblins - feral stunted cannibalistic humans from a lost colony who live underground and hunt at night with stone weapons - in my bro's Christmas game.

I think that "Aliens" got that line from Starship Troopers.

Not sure I would call something like a Dragon, a horde of angry Halflings, a score or two of trolls, or a pack of Displacer Beasts something as simple as "bugs".
I think that "Aliens" got that line from Starship Troopers.

Not sure I would call something like a Dragon, a horde of angry Halflings, a score or two of trolls, or a pack of Displacer Beasts something as simple as "bugs".

Well that's the thing - the "bugs" in question weren't either - that's the fun of it. Grenade launchers vs packs of large spiders = easy. Grenade launchers vs packs of large spiders who can teleport = not so easy.
I guess my 'concern' if such warrants that word, would be of any 'aliens' garnered from AD&D or other non-Traveller sources about 'man-sized' opponents if that makes sense.

Given that most popular (science) fiction derived from television, films or printed materials do seem to imply aliens encountered will generally be of like-dimensions to humans. That being not by any means or measure as all-inclusive but for purposes of a general argument holds to support my point.

I think one thing Traveller may not fully have 'embraced' is the vast difference in sizes of life-forms that populate the stars, simply not just those that could negotiate a starship corridor without difficulty or impairment.

In that acknowledgement, I do give all due props to George Lucas for the inclusion of the massive space-dwelling creatures seen in SW-Episode Five, The Empire Strikes Back. Without the 'constraints' of gravity, a life form could exceed any boundaries set upon those developing on any world regardless of it's mass or composition.

*statements and speculations made without the benefit or accreditation of degrees in Xeno-biology or stellar evolution*
Archealer uses Orcs IHTU, off-shoot of Humaniti.....

And I recently introduced the "svirfneblin", a deep gnome race to my Traveller universe. The players in my campaign were the first to 'discover' this new sentient (and very bright!) humanoid race. Whether they can prove that the svirfneblin are an off-shoot of Humaniti is yet to be determined. ;)

I prefer to use the James T. Kirk method of testing genetic compatibility... Brown-chicken-brown-cow.