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Defining the Universal Military Profile (UMP) and Universal Squadron Profile (USqP)


We have all seen the "Heaven and Earth" software generate a variety of codes regarding Universal Troop Profiles, Universal Military Profiles, and the ill-defined Universal Squadron Profile. Using Microsoft CoPilot, I was able to start filling in the blanks. Over the months, I have scoured the web for the information. I, then started with the Microsoft CoPilot and found the answers. I don't know where the information came from, but it appears to be consistent with what I see in the discussions. The only problem I see is that there is no Upper Limit for the Attack or Defense numbers. I recommend an agreement starting with maybe a squadron of Tigress Class battleships with the upper limit as established as an "F" for Attack and Defense. Then work down with the variety of factors including Tech, Fighters, Number of Batteries, etc...

I have attached what I could find (please excuse the roughness), but I felt that this could be a subject of agreement which then could be posted in Wiki or wherever for everyone to use.



  • Universal Military Profile.docx
    27.7 KB · Views: 13