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Detailed Prior History Example

Ok, here is a partial bare bones attempt at converting a CT/MT character
over to T20.
If there are errors, please let me know, cause I got NO CLUE about how
I'm doing...

Originally, using CT/MT:
Dain Thrangar UPP 8888C6 Age34 IISS IS-13 Group Administrator
University of Regina Honors Graduate, 3 terms Scout Service

skill and level
pilot-1 admin-1 brawling-1
navigation-1 leader-1 submachinegun-1
ship tactics-1 carousing-1 vacc suit-1
engineering-1 computer-1 electronics-1
air/raft-1 ground vehicle (wheeled)-0

Skills translatable to T20 skills:
navigation-1 admin-1 leader-1 engineering-1 computer-1 electronics-1

Skills translatable to T20 feats:
ship tactics-1 carousing-1 brawling-1 submachinegun-1 vacc suit-1

Skills translatable to both T20 skills and feats:
pilot-1 air/raft-1 ground vehicle (wheeled)-0

Now, attempting to T20 it:
Dain Thrangar
Abilities: Str12 Dex12 Con12 Int12 Edu18 Wis15 Cha10 Soc9

Home World: Inthe B575776-9
Home World Feat: Vessel wheeled vehicle

Initial Class: Professional
Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency Light, Professional Specialty[p/admin],
Armor Proficiency[vaccsuit].
Racial Bonus Feat: Carousing

University honors graduate: get 4000xp
Spend 3000xp on Professional, get 3rd level; add 1 feat, Vessel Grav
Spend 1000xp on Traveller, get 1st level; add 1 feat, Weapon Proficiency

After University, join Scouts.

1st Term
1000xp for initial training, 4000xp for survival. No xp bonus.
Get 5000xp, all spent on Scouts 3rd level.
Get 2 feats; Vessel Scout Ship, Weapon Focus SMG.

2nd Term
4000xp survival, 4000xp bonus.
Gain 5th level Scout; 1 feat, Ship Tactics

3rd Term
4000xp survival, 4000xp bonus.
Gain 7th level Scout; 1 feat, Brawling.

muster out. Should have an abundance of points for skills.
Cr100,000 pay, 1 Type S Scout Ship [T20 Scout; not the TL9 Shinarrow
Vulcan.] Age now 34.

Please tell me if the above is correct :confused:
Okay, you've missed how levels are gained.

There is a difference between Character Level and Class level. When a character, for example, gets a grand total of 6000exp, he is a 4th level character. Those levels might be all in one class or divided among many classes, but the total experience points gives him 4 levels tops. (He could be Prof-4 or Prof-2, Scout-2, or Prof-1, Scout-1, Navy-1, Army-1, as long as the total equals 4)

So for to use your example. His term in university got him 4000xp, which makes him a third level character with 1000xp left over. He needs 2000xp more (a total of 6000xp) before he becomes a 4th level character and can take that level of Traveller class.

So he should come out of University as Prof-3 (or at your choice Prof-2/Traveller-1).

He takes a term in scouts and gets 5000 more xp. His total now is 9000xp (4000 university+5000 term 1). This makes him 4th level (see chart page 35 of Trveller's Handbook). So he should be Prof-3/Scout-1.

This making any sense?
Dr Skull asks:
This making any sense?
Somewhat. I'll get there eventually. For now, its back to the lab again.

Chron replies:
Ummm I dont think the prior example in the T20 book has enough feats
for somebody that level am I wrong ?
Yeah, the feat thing is a bit confusing and very frustrating to try and convert from CT/MT.
Maybe rereading the D20 Modern book will help me. As before, its back to the lab again.
Originally posted by Chron:
Ummm I dont think the prior example in the T20 book has enough feats for somebody that level am I wrong ?
Actually, I think he has too many feats. A 6th level straight human rogue should have 8 feats by my count. The example character in the book has 10.
Actually, I counted 7 (character-level feats + rogue's bonus feats), not counting the Homeworld feat and the rogue's starting feats.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
The way I understand things, a sixth level rogue has:

i) 1 because of the heartbeat (or whatever hivers use for that purpose)
ii) 1 because he is human
iii) Armour (Light), Armour (Medium), Weapon (Swordsman), Weapon(Marksman) because rogues get those automagically
iv) 3 bonus rogue feats (at 1st, 2nd and 5th level)
v) 2 feats for going up levels (at 3rd & 6th level)
vi) Some feats from Homeworld

So I get a total count of 11 plus homeworld.

In the example in the book, it looks to me as if he missed a feat at first level (He only has starting +2 but I think he should have starting +1 Level +1 racial +1 Bonus) Other than that the feats in the example seem OK to me. Yes I know he should have the Vessel(Grav) feat as well - it's up in the skill list.
Back from the lab again. :eek:
Another stab at a character I'm trying to make. Once again, let me know if I've got it wrong, cause I really don't know what I'm doing. :(

Dain Thrangar
Abilities: Str12 Dex12 Con12 Int12 Edu18 Wis15 Cha10 Soc9

Home World: Inthe B575776-9
Home World Feat: Vessel wheeled vehicle

Initial Class: Traveller
Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency Light, Armor Proficiency Meduim,
Weapon Proficiency[Marksman].
Bonus Feat from Traveller class: Vessel Air/raft
Bonus Feat from experience levels: Carousing
Racial Bonus Feat: Brawling

University honors graduate: get 3000xp+1000xp for Honors
Is now Traveller-3
Bonus Feat from Traveller class: Well Connected
Bonus Feat from experience levels: Armor Proficiency Vacc Suit

After University, join Scouts.

1st Term
1000xp for initial training, 4000xp for survival. No xp bonus.
Is now Traveller-3, Scout-1
Bonus Feat from Scout class: Vessel Starships

2nd Term
4000xp for survival. 2000 xp bonus.
Is now Traveller-3, Scout-3
Bonus Feat from Scout class: Ship Tactics
Bonus from experience levels: Weapon Focus SMG

3rd Term
4000xp for survival, 2000 xp bonus.
Is now Traveller-3, Scout-4 total xp:21,000

Musters out. Age 34

As before, I'm really trying to understand this, but I need some serious help.
Or maybe a new brain. Hmmm. GIVE ME YOUR BRAIN.
Looks good so far.

There is also a Stat increase at (overall) level 4.

The TL of the homeworld would be knocking one point off that amazing EDU of yours. Since this would have happened early on, your time at the "U" over-rides this adjustment for the final character.

Inthe is an Ag world, so you have the three world skills options for that, which may result in up to three skills (Driving, Ride, Handle Animal) being permanent class skills, or skipping one or more for a rank in one of the other two...
Also, you should (could) be 33 instead of 34, since with the high EDU you could have finished University in 3 years instead of 4.
GypsyComet writes:
Looks good so far.
Thanks. The whole feat thing had me burning many brain cells. This is not good for a brain tumor patient. :eek:

There is also a Stat increase at (overall) level 4.

The TL of the homeworld would be knocking one point off that amazing EDU of
yours. Since this would have happened early on, your time at the "U" over-rides
this adjustment for the final character.
Yeah, I kinda assumed that University would cover the edu point loss. As for the level 4 stat increase, when I did the PC in Book 6, he got a +1 str, but this covered a -1 point loss for ageing. The ageing thing is something I have'nt seen yet in T20 or the D20 Modern book.

Inthe is an Ag world, so you have the three world skills options for that, which
may result in up to three skills (Driving, Ride, Handle Animal) being permanent
class skills, or skipping one or more for a rank in one of the other two...
Yep, moving on to skills next. This should be alot easier to deal with.

Rodrigo writes:
Also, you should (could) be 33 instead of 34, since with the high EDU you could have finished University in 3 years instead of 4.
Hmmm. I'll have to remember that for future reference. For Dain, I assume that he spent a year running around on Regina. Think a year long spring break, or maybe attending St. Elvis festivals, etc.
Dain Thrangar again; Ok, on to the skills!

3 homeworld skills: Driving-1, Handle Animal-1, Ride-1

Starting Points, Traveller: 28 points[6+1 bonus, multiplied by 4]
Racial bonus points: 4 points

Points used as follows:
5 cross class skills: Listen-2, Balance-2, Climb-2, Jump-2, Tumble-2
class skills: K/homeworld [Inthe]-2, K/Civics-2, K/Curent Events-2, K/Popular Culture-2, K/St. Elvis Theology-2, Intuit Direction-2

14 points.[6+1 bonus per level increase]
Racial bonus points: 2 points
1 cross class skill: Swim-2
class skills: Innuendo-2, K/technology-2, K/Regina-2, Craft[writing]-2, Gather Info-2, T/Computer-2

20 points.[4+1 bonus per level increase]
Racial bonus points: 4
1 cross class skill: Bluff-2
class skills: Pilot-2, Navigation-2, P/Admin-2, Leader-2, K/IISS Operations Branch-2, K/IISS Technical Branch-1, K/Tactics-2, K/Djinni-1, Sense Motive-2, T/Engineer-2, T/Electronics-2,

As before, if there's an error, please let me know.
Originally posted by plop101:
Dain Thrangar again; Ok, on to the skills!

3 homeworld skills: Driving-1, Handle Animal-1, Ride-1

Not quite. These all start at zero ranks, but are *always* class skills, so regardless of the class you level up in, these three are always bought at 1 Skill Point = 1 Rank.

You have the option to take only two of the three (or one of the three) in which case the ones you *don't* take become ranks in one of the skills you did take. So:

Driving-0, Handle Animal-0, Ride-0, or
Driving-1, Handle Animal-0, or

Note that if you forego one or two of the three, those skills you didn't take are NOT permanent class skills, either...
Originally posted by plop101:
Dain Thrangar again; Ok, on to the skills!

3 homeworld skills: Driving-1, Handle Animal-1, Ride-1

Starting Points, Traveller: 28 points[6+1 bonus, multiplied by 4]
Racial bonus points: 4 points

Points used as follows:
5 cross class skills: Listen-2, Balance-2, Climb-2, Jump-2, Tumble-2
class skills: K/homeworld [Inthe]-2, K/Civics-2, K/Curent Events-2, K/Popular Culture-2, K/St. Elvis Theology-2, Intuit Direction-2

14 points.[6+1 bonus per level increase]
Racial bonus points: 2 points
1 cross class skill: Swim-2
class skills: Innuendo-2, K/technology-2, K/Regina-2, Craft[writing]-2, Gather Info-2, T/Computer-2

20 points.[4+1 bonus per level increase]
Racial bonus points: 4
1 cross class skill: Bluff-2
class skills: Pilot-2, Navigation-2, P/Admin-2, Leader-2, K/IISS Operations Branch-2, K/IISS Technical Branch-1, K/Tactics-2, K/Djinni-1, Sense Motive-2, T/Engineer-2, T/Electronics-2,

As before, if there's an error, please let me know.
The only possible error I see, other then the slight one on homeworld skills that someone else mentioned, is taking "K/Tactics" as a skill. Tactics and Ship Tactics are feats in T20, if it was your attempt to convert the CT/MT tactics skill in T20, IMHO one would take the Tactics feat to do so. Unless it was your intent to have the character have intelectual knowledge about tactics without any real practical application, then I could see taking a skill like "K/Tactics".

I should really look at your original CT/MT sheet for this character, since you also posted that, but Navigation skill in T20 is for land navigation, if you're considering starship navigation, that's covered under the T20 skill "T/astrogation".

Finally, I'd possibly suggest a bit more specialization for your character skills...again though, I should look at his CT/MT sheet, perhaps he had a large number of skills at a CT/MT rank of one.

Anyway, I like some of your skill choices, the large number of knowledge skills to help build up his background is a nice touch. Again as an aside though, take a look at the Jack of All Trades feat, avaliable to both the Traveller and Scout classes in T20. Even if your original CT/MT character didn't have JOT skill, you might want to consider taking that feat at least once, since you do have a large number of skills with low skill rankings. Taking it would let you simulate the same thing, yet also concetrate more skill points on other skills, JOT at a couple ranks would simulate a passing knowledge of a large number of topics anyway, allowing you to concetrate more skill points on abilities he's more noted for.

Just an idea. Otherwise, looks like you're doing fine as far as I understand how T20 char-gen works.
Sorry to do this in two posts, but I just did take a look at your posting of your CT/MT stats. Okay, you do have a large number of skills at level 1...in fact, all of them with the exception of ground vehicle are at level 1. So, I can see why you did take all of your skills in your T20 conversion at a rank of two. Still, I might consider if I were you putting some of your skills that converted over from CT/Mt to T20 up to rank 3 or 4, remember that even a level 1 character in T20 can have up to rank 4 in his or her skills. Just a suggestion...I guess it boils down to what a skill level in CT/MT means in T20 skill ranks...which is hard to determine since character stats factor in so strongly into ones chance for success in T20.
stats factor at about the same level as is normal for, say, MT or CT, given that those systems could get up to a stat DM of +3 on 2d6, and most people were getting +1. It actually lags behind TNE and G:T, where in both cases the stats are used *straight* and at most levels of play outstrip the skill numbers completely.
This is being posted here and over in the adventures forum under Dain Thrangar.
All of the other details, including history, is over there.

My Nth attempt at Dain Thrangar using the T20 system:

Dain Thrangar
Abilities: Str12 Dex12 Con12 Int12 Edu18 Wis15 Cha10 Soc9
Traveller-3, Scout-4 total xp:21,000 Age: 34

Home World: Inthe B575776-9

Level: 7th Traveller-3, Scout-4
XP: 21000
XP needed for next level: 7000

Vessel wheeled vehicle, Armor Proficiency Light, Armor Proficiency Meduim,
Weapon Proficiency[Marksman],Vessel Air/raft, Carousing, Brawling, Well Connected,
Armor Proficiency Vacc Suit, Vessel Starships, Ship Tactics, Weapon Focus SMG

Driving-1, Riding-1, Listen-2, Balance-1, Climb-2, Jump-2, Tumble-2, Swim-2, Bluff-2,
K/homeworld [Inthe]-2, K/Civics-2, K/Curent Events-2, K/PopularCulture-2,
K/St. Elvis Theology-2, Intuit Direction-2, Innuendo-2, K/technology-2, K/Regina-2, Craft[writing]-2, Gather Info-2, T/Computer-2, Pilot-2, T/astrogation-2, Navigation-2, P/Admin-2, Leader-2, K/IISS Operations Branch-2,
K/IISS Technical Branch-1, K/Tactics-2, K/Djinni-1, Sense Motive-2, T/Engineer-2, T/Electronics-2,

Stamina:40 Lifeblood:12
Initiative: +1[dex modifier]

SMG Att bonus +6

Fundage: Cr51,000
Property: Detached Duty Scout (T20-S Class) on loan from Scout Service.

T20 equipment ONLY:
Space side EVA equipment kit:
1 TL9 Vaccsuit
1 Radiation Counter
1 Wristwatch
1 Cold Light Lantern


Dirt side EVA equipment kit:
1 Cloth Armor
1 Combination Mask
1 Light Intensifier Goggles
1 Meduim Range Communicator
1 Radiation Counter
1 Wristwatch
1 Cold Light Lantern


Ships Locker:
4 Submachineguns
40 magazines
4 Space side EVA equipment kits
4 Dirt side EVA equipment kits
2 Inertial Locators

Electronic Tool Kit
Metal Work Tool Kit
Mechanical Tool Set

Common Area:
1 Field Medical Kit

Commanders Stateroom:
1 Submachine gun, 2 magazines(one in smg, other taped to the first magazine)

Dain Thrangar in the Linkworlds:
One could throw Dain into the linkworlds campaign. If one chooses to do this, his homeworld on that side of the Imperium would be Larshuunigi (3039 - B562575-C). He would go to university at the sector capital, which, IIRC, is Dukh. For his special mission/interdiction probe, I’d probably go with a class X world in the Gateway Sector.
Just a couple of quickies that i need a pointer on:

Do the university education packages count as "terms" towards the 7 term limit?


If you fail a survival roll during a term, can you try and move on to another eligable profession or service in the next term (assuming you wern't injured or didn't go to jail), or does the prior history process immediately stop? I'm of the opinion that you can try another career path. Are there any conditions that will FORCE you to stop prior history rolls, other than the 7 term limit.
To your first question, I am unclear myself. Personally, the university term should be counted against the maximum term limit. Just don't count the degree programs separately, they're all part of one university term.

To your second question, if for some reason you have been let go from one employment, you can voluntarily enter into another employment if you qualify. The only two things that can stop you are the GM (who may or may not enforce the maximum term limit) and you.