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Diaspora Phoenix


SOC-14 1K
We have a release date.

What I need is 2-3 volunteers who will, in the strictest confidence, read the draft MS for me. I need a little proofing input and a review from each of them - and they must NDA to the eyeballs regarding the content.

Well I think I've mentioned the need (and often apparent lack) of proofing of materials before publishing so I feel I have to volunteer. No problems with the NDA either. Drop me a note with more questions and/or particulars offlist.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by far-trader:
Well I think I've mentioned the need (and often apparent lack) of proofing of materials before publishing so I feel I have to volunteer. No problems with the NDA either. Drop me a note with more questions and/or particulars offlist at far_trader_mail@yahoo.ca <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Same goes here; I'll proof and review anything you send, and have zero problem with an NDA. Feel free to contact me at trentfs at ix dot netcom dot com
I just read the Diaspora Phoenix preview http://www.TravellerRPG.com/TNE/DiasporaPhoenix.html and its great. If the whole novel is like this I'll be exhausted from the read. It promises to be a true can't put it down page turner, or, since its actually going to be an Ebook make that a can't turn it off page scroller.

MJD if this is an accurate sampling this looks like the easiest proofing job ever. I know I read it quickly but I didn't spot a single problem (well except for "and then what happened?", talk about a cliff-hanger). I hope you didn't sneak something tricky in there to test your prospective proofers

[This message has been edited by far-trader (edited 12 April 2002).]
Once again I'm forced to echo far-trader. While I only skim-read this while at work, my impression is that it's yet another typically-great entry in the MJD Trav-fiction canon, and the novel as a whole will steamroll over the already-estimable Lisa Davies story-cycle.

I too didn't spot any errors (wasn't actually looking) but one bit stood out: calling the orbital artillery 'ortillery.' Is the 1) accepted lingo (from other Trav or sf sources), 2) an MJD neologism, or 3) a typo (doesn't seem too likely, O and A being awfully far apart on the keyboard)?

Anyhow, if the rest of the book lives up to the intro, I even more emphatically renew my offer to proof/review it, 'though I suspect there won't be a whole lot of actual proofing necessary.
"Ortillery" is the correct technical description. From "ORbital arTILLERY". It's in canon somewhere.... at least, I think I learned the term from a Traveller source.

As to other typos.... I hope there were none. I proofed this just before sending it. But hey, I've missed plenty of stuff before.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
"Ortillery" is the correct technical description. From "ORbital arTILLERY". It's in canon somewhere.... at least, I think I learned the term from a Traveller source.

Very odd, you are correct and I knew it was canon when I read it so no problem, but I kinda thought it was from some of your writing MJD?
Could be, I'm sure we made reference in Starmercs. But I'm sure I've "known" the term for years from earlier materials.

If not, well, it's canon now!
It's in StarMercs. But I'm sure we knew the term before that. UNless I coined it years ago in a game.

Heck, MTU is the OTU (well, sort of) so who cares anyway. It's a nice word. But it's bugging me now where it came from.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
"Ortillery" is the correct technical description. From "ORbital arTILLERY". It's in canon somewhere.... at least, I think I learned the term from a Traveller source.

It's in Striker II at least. I don't have an earlier citation but I haven't conducted an exaustive perusal of the source material.

I am increasingly of the opinion that RPGs are by the nature of their creation subjective phenomenon. due to the interaction between game designers, game masters, and game players all definitions, rules, settings, and adventures are mutable in acordance with the uncertainty principle as expounded by Heisenburg. This is of course merely my point of view.

David Shayne
All I can say about Diaspora Phoenix so far (120 pages into it) is WOW! This is good stuff! I haven't noticed any problems but then again I'm to busy enjoying the story to notice...


I've just discovered that the Diaspora Phoenix MS being proofed is the last-but-one version. MY copy of he final MS was lost in a HD crash, and the publisher suffered a similar disaster. (!). This version is the "GDW Version" beofre the publisher's suggested rewrite.

What I'm going to do is to re-rewrite and run the final MS past the people who've read this one, plus one or two others, looking for the inevitable rewrite glitches.

Be a couple of weeks before I can do that, though.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:

I've just discovered that the Diaspora Phoenix MS being proofed is the last-but-one version. MY copy of he final MS was lost in a HD crash, and the publisher suffered a similar disaster. (!). This version is the "GDW Version" beofre the publisher's suggested rewrite.

What I'm going to do is to re-rewrite and run the final MS past the people who've read this one, plus one or two others, looking for the inevitable rewrite glitches.

Be a couple of weeks before I can do that, though.

I've made it through about one-third of the MS so far, taking notes as I go. Would you suggest I keep going or put this on hold and wait for the revised version? Either way I'll keep reading (I've gotta know what happens!), I just may stop taking notes...
Any notes will be useful.The final version is close to this one, though with a few surprises....
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
We have a release date.

What I need is 2-3 volunteers who will, in the strictest confidence, read the draft MS for me. I need a little proofing input and a review from each of them - and they must NDA to the eyeballs regarding the content.


I'd be interested in reviewing the text - I have been admiring the fiction postings on the TNE pages and using them to inspire my group into a TNE based game.

I understand the need for an NDA, and have no problems signing one.

Never Trust a Smiling DM.
We already have intrepid volunteers looking it over. But I may need some others sometime soon....
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
We already have intrepid volunteers looking it over. But I may need some others sometime soon....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I understand, especially in light of some of the previous posts on this thread. Please keep me in mind if you need another opinion.


Never Trust a Smiling DM.