Grav tanks would merge with attack helicopters; whereas gunships rely on the game mechanics of their space specced hulls and speed for protection, and their space specced weapons for lethality.
Grav will generally replace hovercraft, helos and small fixed wings.
A lot depends upon how one approaches the development stages.
If the early stages only work to a few hundred meters, then you get heavy lift aircraft with just barely half a G of grav at takeoff - more than enough to cut takeoff roll on pavement to about 1/3 (and overall ground effect roll/hover to a total of about 2/3) of the unassisted. So, your KC-135Z which needs about 3700m, converted to a KCG-135Z2, needs about 1200m of pavement, and another 1200m of wheels-up ground effect to get up to speed, and then final rotate.
Likewise, in a proximity only start, hovercraft are the ideally replaced item. (well, also WIGE aircraft.) It's from here that we get our "grav cars" - the air/raft and g-carrier are clear inheritors from this (short) era. We get some attack craft, too - naval hovers are used for landing actions and for naval recon, but can be equipped for anti-shipping (tho' for various reasons are either not so equipped or such configuration isn't released). Hell, it's not like they can't mount a couple 40mm Bofors.
As the proximity requirement decreases, we get helicopter rotors replaced with grav lift. Attack helos especially, as they need to operate in congested airspace, and also rescue helos. Transport helos are likely to be amonst the last replaced.
And also air-to-air fighters and bombers get grav assist as soon as fusion/electric/ducted-fan replaces jets... again, not as replacement for the fixed wings, but to augment and improve performance of the fixed wing (and variable geometry) aircraft.
Also, fusion powered grav immediately opens up SSTO/DSTO (Single Stage To Orbit/Dual-Stage To Orbit).
Even if Grav only works for 100km, it still allows a much easier SSTO and DSTO. SSTO is limited by the (roughly) 10% payload limit.
Note that the White Knight & Spaceship One combo is a DSTS, and proof of concept for DSTO. It's just a bit underpowered for SSTO. If your initial stage is grav assisted, ti goes faster and higher on the same fuel. The landing gravs on the payload stage are also probably on during lift...
And, once it gets powerful enough, go to near max alt, throw as much lateral speed on as you can, then switch to rockets for the burn to orbit.