CT-LBB4 Mercenary posits that:
"Originally Posted by LBB4 p.47
All vehicles have sufficient free-flight performance that ground combat vehicles effectively no longer exist having merged with aircraft."
In a sense, I'd expect most TL12-13 combat vehicles, then, to look more along the line of VTOLs or helicopter gunships rather than ground vehicles with their wheels/treads replaced with grav units and the turret still protruding from their roofs, rather than being mounted on their underside (to attack ground targets below them). But most depictions of grav vehicles I tend to find in Traveller books still look a bit like ground vehicles in terms of orientation and general shape.
So how do Grav "Tanks" look like in YTU? Like flying tanks, like gunships, or like something else?
It will depend on what you view the mission or missions of the grav tank to be. The tank originally started out as a mobile protected fire support vehicle to assist the infantry in the attack by neutralizing the machine gun positions that had not been knocked out by the previous artillery barrage, and evolved into the armored behemoths of today that are quite good at knocking out opposing tanks, but are very poor at assisting the infantry by fire support. That has been left to heavy infantry weapons and on-call artillery support. So, is the grav tank an armored fire support vehicle, an anti-armor vehicle, or a bit of both? That answer will to a degree dictate its armament and configuration.
How high is it operating? If Nape-of-the-Earth, then it will likely appear similar to existing tanks. If reaching to high altitudes, then the pressure of having all-around fire power becomes a more pressing issue. The need is to be able to engage targets at both a higher and a lower altitude, which implies turrets mounted on both the top and bottom of the vehicle. Mountings on the bottom complicate landing, and may require the addition of protected landing gear. Alternately, the turrets could be mounted on the sides of the vehicle, similar to the early British tanks of World War 1, which would not complicate landing, and allow for engaging targets both above and below. Or you could mount the turrets at the nose and tail to achieve the same coverage.
You do need to keep in mind that the more mountings, the more hull volume is required, which means more cost. An air/raft runs 600.000 Credits, so even a lightly armed and armored vehicle is likely to run over a million credits, while a very heavily armed and armored vehicle is likely to cost on the order of a starship.
In My Traveller Universe, the special armors mentioned in MegaTraveller cost considerably more than soft steel, which I view as mild steel, or hard steel, which I view as rolled homogeneous weldable alloy plate. Hard steel runs 5 times the price of soft steel. The laminates run 10 times. Crystal Iron, which I view as needing to be grown into the correct shape, starts at 100 times the cost of a soft steel hull. It goes up from there. If you want massive protection, then be prepared to pay for it.